Bad Girl Ventures, a micro-finance organization focused on educating and financing women-owned startup companies, announced 10 finalists in its second Cleveland entrepreneurial class at a recent event held at COSE’s offices. One finalist will win a $25,000 low-interest loan to finance her business, thanks in part to KeyBank and Key4Women.
“This is an amazing class of creative and bold women,” says Candace Klein, CEO of BGV. “Regardless of the end result, this is the beginning of a journey that will leave each of them better educated and more prepared for success."
The finalists represent a diverse group of businesses. The companies include HodgePodge Vintage Rentals, a furniture rental company for events, Auts Tipse Treats, a bakery that features alcohol-spiked cupcakes, and Her BlueWear Uniforms, a designer of police uniforms exclusively for women.
Also on the list: Sediment Control Solutions, Inc. which assists and educates government, municipal and construction clients with compliance to the Ohio EPA sediment control and water quality regulations; Harness Fitness, Inc., Cleveland's first sustainably run group cycling studio and fitness clothing retailer; Hyndsight Media, an online video journalism platform that provides short-form video web spots on current social and civic topics;, a blog offering insight and resources for women who are childless; S&R Bakers, which makes and delivers egg-free custard frosting; Babies Travel Too provides nightly and weekly rentals of essential baby gear to people traveling to the Cleveland area; and The Mighty Teeth Defender, a kit that embraces the tooth fairy and its rituals.
“While some are focused on local storefronts, others are creating products that we believe will be sold on a national and potentially international scale,” says Rachel Czernin, BGV director of marketing and development. “In both instances, these Northeast Ohio based businesses will undoubtedly play a role in job creation in our region.”
Bad Girl Ventures has educated more than 200 business owners in Cleveland and Cincinnati, awarded five $25,000 low-interest loans and helped secure over $575,000 in outside lending for female entrepreneurs throughout Ohio.
The classes run through May, after which the winner will be announced.
Source: Rachel Czernin, Candace Klein
Writer: Karin Connelly