The issue of concussions among both professional and student athletes is a hot topic these days. But repetitive brain injuries – how to detect, prevent and treat concussions – are also a concern among people in virtually every walk of life.
So on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 23 and 24, national scientists, engineers, clinicians and researchers will gather at the Global Center for Health Innovation to brainstorm and share their ideas at Concussion: A National Challenge.
The event, ,sponsored by the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine in Washington, D.C., Case Western Reserve University, MetroHealth and Taipei Medical University, among others, will focus on medical advances in concussion detection, prevention and treatment in areas such as athletics, auto accidents and military personnel.
“This is bringing people together who don’t normally attend the same meetings for a frank discussion of what we need to do,” says Jay Alberts, director of the Cleveland Clinic Concussion Center and one of the event’s speakers. “It’s unique to have people from the automotive industry, sports and military. All of these groups are concerned about concussions and mild to moderate brain injury. We will take the best practices from each group to address what the fundamental practices are.”
The public is invited to join the discussions and presentations. “You don’t have to be a trained specialist or an engineer to be a part of the talks,” stresses Alberts. “Parents and coaches are encouraged to attend. They will ask questions that will force people on the panel and the speakers to think about it differently. It’s always important to get the patient perspective to understand the fundamental problems and the questions that need to be answered.”
The symposium is free, but registration is required.