Two Cleveland organizations aimed at drawing area teens toward an interest in employment and business have joined forces. E CITY Cleveland (which stands for Entrepreneurship: Connecting, Inspiring and Teaching Youth) and Y.O.U. (Youth Opportunities Unlimited) united earlier this year to pool their resources and heighten their outreach.
E CITY's entrepreneurial programs were completed by more than 300 teens last year. Y.O.U.'s offerings, which include mentoring and job placement, made a difference for more than 4,600 teens in Cuyahoga County, many of whom were considered at-risk or in danger of not completing their high school studies.
The offerings of each organization are unique so that, when combined, they provide a full package of opportunities for young adults ages 14 to 19 to pursue their interests and develop life skills.
Y.O.U. and E CITY will focus on integrating volunteers and sharpening their combined offerings. Another goal of the merger is to develop additional programs for children in the City of Cleveland and elsewhere in the region.
WRITER: Diane DiPiero