Freshbag, which offers corporate wellness programs and an online fresh foods-shopping and delivery service, is growing faster than founders Ian Wong and Max Wilberding anticipated. The company is adding to its current six pickup locations and forming new partnerships.
Later this month, Freshbag will add 1-2-1 Fitness, on the Case campus, as a new pick up location. Wong says more locations are in the works. Furthermore, the company is expanding its chef repertoire with Scott Groth of the Chubby Cook and his network of chefs. Freshbag hosts events that illustrate how healthy foods can also taste good, and wellness nutrition events that bring dietitians and chefs on site with tips and cooking classes.
Wong is thrilled with how their concept has taken off. "We certainly weren't expecting to grow this rapidly,” he says. “But the way we see it: it takes a long time to reach a critical mass, but once we get there, things start running faster and faster.”
Freshbag is also looking for an operations and logistics specialist to handle acquisitions operations (finding ways to become more efficient), and deliveries.
Source: Ian Wong
Writer: Karin Connelly