Global Cleveland will host a job coaching event on Saturday, June 23 to help people find a job in Northeast Ohio. Job coaches will be available by appointment to review resumes, provide job search resources or simply serve as a personal connection to Cleveland.
“It’s always been a part of our program,” says Global Cleveland president Larry Miller. “We have HR professionals who help newcomers with their job search. But this is the first time we’re doing it as an event.”
Global Cleveland has partnered with the Society for Human Resource Management Cleveland to provide job coaching. “We have a crew of 60 volunteer coaches signed up,” says Miller. “We are delighted about that partnership and how these HR professionals have participated in our program.”
Nearly 100 people have asked for job coaching assistance since February. Miller says participants usually have one of three questions: How do I find a job, what are the communities in Cleveland, and how do I start a business in Cleveland.
“We try to build a personal relationship,” says Miller. “The very first thing we do is shake their hand, look at them eyeball to eyeball and say, ‘You’ve come to the right place.’ We’re trying to get the word out that jobs are available in Cleveland and it’s a wonderful place.”
Appointments will be scheduled every 30 minutes beginning at 10 a.m. The last appointment will be scheduled for 1:30 p.m. All appointments must be scheduled and confirmed by Thursday, June 21. Contact Joel Matos at or by calling (216) 472-3282.
Source: Larry Miller
Writer: Karin Connelly