local inventor dreams up the perfect sleep machine


When you grab a quick cat nap during the day, you run the risk of either sleeping too little so that you're yawning in front of your co-workers or sleeping so much that you snooze right through your 2 p.m. sales meeting.

Local inventor Jonathan Husni wants you to get the ideal 20 minutes of quality sleep so you can be your productive self. Husni's Power-Nap Machine is a pocket-sized media player that produces inaudible sound waves that induce REM sleep -- the short, deep rest that accounts for about 90 to 120 minutes of a good night's sleep. While the sound waves work their magic, the user hears only a pleasant waterfall. At the end of it, the Power-Nap brings "the user to a refreshed state of heightened wakefulness," Husni says.

The nap machine is part of the Power Nap group of sleep products that includes CDs filled with computer-generated sound waveforms. Power Nap line of products was created by Acendex, a Beachwood-based network technology firm. Husni is president and founder of Acendex.

SOURCE: Jonathan Husni
WRITER: Diane DiPiero