Harry Winfield, who recently turned 90, lived in Cleveland's Fairfax neighborhood during the 1950s and 1960s. A self-designated historian of Fairfax, he tells what life was like in the neighborhood's heyday in this video interview recorded at the Fairfax Renaissance Development Corporation.
This video was made in partnership with Cleveland.com.
Special thanks to videographer John Pana of Cleveland.com, Denise VanLeer and Catondra Noye of the Fairfax Renaissance Development Corporation, Rebecca Ferlotti, and the Cleveland Public Library Photography Collection for use of the historic pictures.
This video is part of our On the Ground - Fairfax community reporting project in partnership with Fairfax Renaissance Development Corporation, Cleveland Clinic, PNC Bank, Greater Cleveland Partnership, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress, and Cleveland Development Advisors. Find the rest of our coverage here.