On Friday, Sept. 2, Jill Stein, Green Party candidate for President, and Joe DeMare, Green Party candidate for US Senate, will speak at the Natatorium, 2345 4th Street, Cuyahoga Falls. Doors open at 6 p.m. DeMare will speak at 7 p.m. Stein will speak at 8:00 p.m.
During this free event, Jill Stein will discuss her plan to help the American people with the Green New Deal, a stimulus package that will create 20 million new jobs by transitioning to renewable energy by 2030, as well as halting the devastating effects of climate change. Other topics will include her policies such as tuition free higher education, cancelling student debt, healthcare as a human right, $15 minimum wage, and foreign policy based on international law, diplomacy, and human rights.
For more information, visit the Ohio Green Party's