The third annual Racial Equity and Inclusion Film Series begins this month at the Capitol Theatre, hosted by the Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization and Cleveland Cinemas.
Cleveland is facing a poverty crisis, something that the United Way of Greater Cleveland and a network of its partners are tackling with a new strategy of focused investments.
Small businesses can win big bucks in Citizens Bank's annual competition, and this year, Greater Cleveland has been chosen to participate in the Small Business Community Champion Award.
You can expect to see 20,000 people living downtown by the end of the year, says the Downtown Cleveland Alliance, which is working to keep that number growing.
Instead of the usual flowers and chocolates, some Clevelanders are celebrating Valentine's Day with perfume, science, dance, and music, thanks to funding from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture.
Wizbang Circus Theatre is taking over a performance space across the street from Cleveland Heights High School, allowing them to expand on their unique brand of variety shows.
Five Cleveland medical organizations are teaming up to help paralysis victims regain partial movement. Called the Cleveland FES Center, this consortium is featured in a documentary, "I Am Human."
Larchmere has a new health-conscious hybrid coffee and entertainment spot. UnBAR Cafe recently opened, serving up a peaceful atmosphere instead of alcohol.