On World Homeless Day, Thursday, Oct. 10, attention turns to the needs of homeless people everywhere. The City Mission is expanding one shelter, but the problem keeps growing.
Monica Grays' resale shop for teaching materials is doing so well in Willoughby that she has opened a second store in Collinwood, called The Assembly by 2nd Semester.
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry, which operates the largest homeless shelter in Ohio, is buying and renovating affordable homes to give families in crisis more options.
Development has covered most of the streams that flow from Cleveland Heights downhill toward Lake Erie, but the Doan Brook Watershed Partnership wants to show us what they once looked like.
Borrow Rentals has morphed into Borrow Curated Furniture + Design in Cleveland's New Chinatown neighborhood, with a new focus on custom interior design.
PRE4CLE is all about preparing preschoolers for kindergarten, which studies show pays dividends down the road. As the organization reaches the five-year mark, it has much to celebrate but also decisions to make about where to go next.
The CLE-BEE Corporate Spelling Bee was a lot of fun for the 27 teams competing for a trophy Sept.12, but more importantly, it helped raise awareness of the ongoing struggle to support adult literacy in Cleveland.
You can't get much closer to home than people's backyards. Cuyahoga Arts & Culture is teaming up with ioby Cleveland (in our backyards) to raise matching funds that support innovative artists.
Sheila Sharpley is turning the historic Rudd-Rockefeller house on Euclid Avenue in East Cleveland into a museum showcasing what life was like around 1901.
For years, history lovers have hoped Cleveland would recognize the influence of the massive ore unloading Huletts that dotted the shores of Great Lakes industrial ports. Now a planned display at North Coast Harbor is picking up speed.
Its food and drink come first, but Butcher and the Brewer on Cleveland's East Fourth Street is a contender in a national contest because of its distinctive restrooms.