
recruiters tasked with selling cleveland say city has room for improvement
When it comes to attracting talent from outside the city, Cleveland "has room for improvement," according to recruiters and other pros tasked with the job. But numerous developments currently taking place in the city are major steps in the right direction, say those same pros.
new event aims to put flats' rivergate on map as a recreation destination
Mention Rivergate Park in the Flats in conversation and you'll likely be met with blank looks. Yet an eclectic alliance of skateboarders, cyclists and urban recreation groups are trying to change that with Rollin' on the River, an event that aims to put Rivergate on the map as a recreation destination.

Rollin' on the River, which takes place Saturday, September 29th at 1785 Merwin Avenue, will bring together skateboarding, cycling and music for an afternoon of fun.

"A lot of change has come to the Flats over the summer and 2013 will hold even more," said Vince Frantz, Executive Director of the skateboarding advocacy organization Public Square Group, in a release. "We wanted to celebrate that and highlight the amazing recreation organizations doing awesome work in the city.”

Rivergate Park is a new, 2.4-acre Cleveland Metropark that lies adjacent to the Columbus Road bridge along the Cuyahoga River in the Flats. The Cleveland Rowing Foundation also owns acreage there which includes its boathouse. In the coming months, there are big plans for this small slice of urban waterfront.

The City of Cleveland will break ground on the long-awaited Crooked River Skatepark by the end of the year. The Metroparks also plans to develop its new park and offer programming that will include adventure sports, canoeing and kayaking. Rivergate Park is already home to the Head of the Cuyahoga regatta race, the Ohio City Bike Co-op and the Cleveland Dragon Boat Association.

The free, all-ages event starts at 2 p.m. with a pop-up skateboard park, dragon boat rides on the river, live music, beer and food. Bike Cleveland is also organizing rides to Rivergate, and a contest will be held for the best bike carrier for a skateboard.

Source: Vince Frantz
Writer: Lee Chilcote
greater cle firms nabbed $1B in vc cash in 5 years
According to a report released by the Venture Capital Advisory Task Force based on data provided by investors and collected by tech-based development organizations BioEnterprise and JumpStart, Greater Cleveland companies attracted $961 million from venture capitalists and angel investors from 2007 to 2011.

That figure represents a 26-percent increase in dollars when compared to the previous five years.

“There is a dramatic change in the activity, the number of investable companies and the quality of the companies in the pipeline in Northeast Ohio from 10 years ago,” says Bill Trainor, co-founder and Managing Director of Mutual Capital Partners Funds I & II.

The bulk of the money went to companies in the fields of biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, healthcare service, IT, and software.

“We’re only beginning to see the results of the public, private and philanthropic initiatives begun almost 10 years ago to accelerate the successes of startups in the state,” says Doug Weintraub, JumpStart’s chair and an active investor in the region. “Given that Northeast Ohio started ramping up activity to assist and support the creation and growth of tech companies in 2005 and 2006 -- and that the National Venture Capital Association estimates the average time from initial investment to a company’s exit is about nine years -- we can expect even more success stories in the coming years.”
Read the rest of the news here.
strategic marketing and sales firm invisia 'looking for talented people'
Andy Halko has entrepreneurship in his genes. The characteristics that make an entrepreneur succeed -- vision, hard work, and a touch of daredevil -- prompted Halko in 2002 to create Insivia, a strategic marketing and sales agency focused on business-to-business.
“In high school and all through college I worked for a company doing website development and software solutions,” recalls Halko. After graduating from John Carroll University, Halko stayed with the company for a while before deciding to go into business for himself.
“My dad was an entrepreneur. I had nothing to lose and I thought, I can do this," he says. "It’s kind of in my blood and I’m not afraid of work.”
Insivia focuses on four areas: Generating leads through SEO and direct mail; converting those leads; closing sales through presentations, proposals and online sales; and retaining customers. “We consider ourselves a full gamut firm, from leads to retaining customers,” Halko says. “We really try to come up with new ideas for things to improve our clients’ business. We use technology to close sales and design to impress customers.”
An additional component of Halko’s vision is customer service. “The other piece is good work,” he says. “Our stratagem is don’t settle for good enough. We take ideas, plans and strategy to reach our clients business goals. We’re really looking at the end goal and our focus being proud of every single piece.”
The philosophy has worked: 10 years later, Insivia has 15 employees in “the coolest” space on the West Bank of the Flats. The company is looking to hire people in account management, customer relations and software development.

“We’re always looking for talented people,” Halko says. “People who can produce good work and come up with good ideas.”

Source: Andy Halko
Writer: Karin Connelly
the great outdoors: five public spaces vital to cleveland's well-being
As city dwellers, we tend to focus on buildings. But it's the spaces in between those structures that matter most, say urban planners. Public spaces bring communities together, improve our physical and mental well-being, and drive social and economic change. The presence and quality of our public spaces is a measure of the desirability of a city.
saint luke's foundation eyes greater impact with narrower but deeper grantmaking strategy
Like many foundations, the Saint Luke's Foundation in Cleveland has emerged from the recession with a narrower yet deeper approach to grantmaking. Beginning this year, the foundation has eschewed responsive grantmaking for targeted grants in three primary areas: health, communities and families.

"This year our foundation turned 15, and as we thought about what our successes had been and how to serve the community in the best way possible, there was interest in focusing more narrowly," says LaTida Smith, Vice President of Programming, Outcomes and Learning at the foundation.

The change has been both challenging and rewarding. "This year, we're narrowing and doing responsive grantmaking at the same time," says Smith. "There are some projects we've funded in the past that we won't be able to fund anymore, and even though we've narrowed to three areas, those challenges are still broad."

One area where Smith says the foundation has been innovative and successful is in advancing the understanding of community health. The Cuyahoga County Board of Health was awarded a grant to develop its capacity to complete health impact assessments -- basically, determinations of how planning and redevelopment decisions impact neighborhood health -- while the "Place Matters" speaker series at the City Club prompted a broad discussion of place-based health disparities.

Examples of the foundation's changed grantmaking strategy include an increased emphasis on strengthening families -- as opposed to simply helping kids or adults in isolation -- and a strong commitment to the neighborhoods around the former Saint Luke's Hospital (Buckeye, Larchmere and Shaker Square in particular).

Source: LaTida Smith
Writer: Lee Chilcote
new data reveals that travel and tourism is on the rise in cle
According to The Economic Impact of Tourism Study, organized by the research firm Tourism Economics and coordinated by the Ohio Tourism Division, Northeast Ohio tourism is up significantly
Visitor volume to Cuyahoga County has jumped to 14.9 million visitors in 2011, compared to 13 million in 2009. Those visitors generated $6.7 billion in related business activity, which constitutes a 12-percent jump in the same time period.
The travel and tourism industry is Cuyahoga County’s fourth largest employer, with tourism supporting 1 in every 11 salaried jobs. In 2011, tourism employment accounted for more than 60,946 individuals, generating $1.8 billion dollars in wages.
Tourism in Cuyahoga County contributed more than $886 million in taxes, with $265 million for state taxes and $194 million in local taxes in 2011.
“The tourism industry is a major contributor to the economic vitality of our region,” Positively Cleveland’s President/ CEO David Gilbert said. “Visitors to our region buy local products and services, support area amenities, generate tax revenues and sustain jobs.”
More on the way
With $2 billion in visitor-related development underway throughout Northeast Ohio, numbers are increasing in both business and leisure travel. Visitors to Downtown Cleveland are expected to double in 2013, equating to a projected six million visitors.

Read the rest of the report here.
west shoreway a 'freeway without a future'
In an article titled "Which Urban Freeways Are Ready to Go?" Next American City writer Alex Vuocolo highlights an issue near and dear to many a Clevelander's heart.
"To many city-dwellers, the obsolescence of aging urban highways is obvious. Here in Philadelphia, for instance, I-95 is fast-approaching the end of its design life. What will become of it -- particularly a three-mile stretch along the Delaware River that divides the city from its waterfront -- has occupied the concern and imagination of residents and city planners alike."
Cleveland's West Shoreway is just such a stretch -- and we aren't the only ones who think so.
The Congress for the New Urbanism, a proponent of more walkable and less automobile-oriented cities, identifies urban freeways primed for demolition crews. In its most recent listing of "2012 Freeways Without Futures," a dozen urban American freeways are called out for the following factors: “The age and design of structures, redevelopment potential, potential cost savings, ability to improve both overall mobility and local access, existence of pending infrastructure decisions, and community support.”
Here are the freeways included:
1. I-10/Claiborne Overpass, New Orleans
2. I-895/Sheridan Expressway, New York City (Bronx)
3. Route 34/Oak Street Connector, New Haven
4. Route 5/Skyway, Buffalo
5. I-395/Overtown Expressway, Miami
6. I-70, St. Louis
7. West Shoreway, Cleveland
8. I-490/Inner Loop, Rochester
9. I-81, Syracuse
10. Gardiner Expressway, Toronto
11. Aetna Viaduct, Hartford
12. Route 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct, Seattle

Read the rest here.
two clevelanders recognized in the tie ohio international entrepreneur awards
TiE Ohio will recognize international entrepreneurs at its awards ceremony on Thursday, Sept. 20. Two Cleveland business executives, Jose Feliciano and Wayne Duigan, will be honored.
TiE Ohio is a resource for entrepreneurs to network and find mentors for their businesses. This event recognizes immigrant and American-born entrepreneurs who have taken their businesses to an international level.

“Entrepreneurs have the passion, the dream and they are willing to put themselves all in,” says Joe Cole, executive director of TiE Ohio. “We want to reward the entrepreneurs who are going global.”
Jose Feliciano, a trial lawyer with BakerHostetler, will receive the Community Catalyst Award. The award recognizes people who have supported immigrant entrepreneurs. “He’s really been in the forefront of advocacy of the immigrant entrepreneur,” adds Cole. “He has a predisposition to being an entrepreneur.”
Feliciano is the founder and chair of the Hispanic Roundtable, is former chairman of the Hispanic Leadership Development Program, founder of the Hispanic Community Forum and was a founder of the Ohio Hispanic Bar Association. He also hosts the monthly talk show, El Sol de Cleveland. “He’s really been out in the forefront,” says Cole.
Wayne Duigan, director international sales for Horizons, Inc. is nominated for the Global Entrepreneur award. “He has significantly grown Horizons’ global presence,” Cole notes. “They’ve really done a great job in establishing an international presence.”
The event will be held at the Ariel International Center at 5:30 p.m. Mark Kvamme, president and CIO of JobsOhio, will be the keynote speaker. 

Source: Joe Cole
Writer: Karin Connelly
planning for gay games, cleveland is 'ahead of schedule'
Metro Weekly, D.C.'s gay and lesbian news magazine, writes in an article titled "Planning for Gay Games in 2014 is ahead of schedule" that "Many people around the world were shocked when Cleveland beat Boston and Washington, D.C., in the battle to host the Gay Games in 2014. However, Ohio's second largest city is proving it is not just up for the task but ready to set the bar for future Gay Games."

Leading up to the Gay Games, which will take place in Cleveland Aug. 9 to 16, 2014, organizers are ahead of schedule when it comes to planning. Organizers announced that 26 hotels in Cleveland and Akron, which is co-hosting the games, have been officially contracted to provide than 20,000 rooms to accommodate more then 11,000 expected participants.

Approximately 35 sports and culture events will be a part of Gay Games. Events will run the gamut from softball, track & field, soccer and swimming to volleyball, bowling, marathon and rowing to band, orchestra and cheer.

"Cleveland has long been active in promoting the city as a welcoming destination for LGBT visitors. Positively Cleveland launched its gay travel marketing campaign in 2007 that included the creation of an LGBT section of its website."

Following the move to be the host city for the Gay Games, Cleveland created a domestic partnership registry and granted domestic partner benefits to city employees.

In 2011, The Advocate named Cleveland among its list of "Gayest Cities in America."

Read the rest here.
city of cleveland to create 1.7 miles of new bike lanes along detroit avenue
The City of Cleveland has developed a plan to create bike lanes along Detroit Avenue between West 25th and West 75th streets to cater to the growing number of two-wheeled commuters using the thoroughfare.

The idea was developed as a temporary alternative to the stalled West Shoreway project, but has now taken on a life of its own. City officials say that even if more money is found to complete multi-modal paths along the Shoreway, the Detroit bike lanes are here to stay.

"This really is a new day in the City of Cleveland for cycling," Planning Director Bob Brown told the audience at a recent public meeting. "For decades, Cleveland put the priority on cars and cyclists were treated as second class citizens. The big change was the complete and green streets ordinance -- now it's the law of the land that every time we plan a roadway project, bikes have to be a priority."

"If we want to create a mode shift [away from driving and towards cycling], then we need to create the facilities to do it," added Jacob Van Sickle, Executive Director of Bike Cleveland. "Bike Cleveland will continue to push the city."

The complex project, which will span 1.7 miles and cost $76,000, includes a mixture of bike lanes and sharrows (painted arrows in the roadway indicating that cars must share the road with bikes). The five foot lanes allow for on-street parking while providing enough room for cyclists to avoid the "door zone" (the area where they could be hit if the driver of a parked car opens the door).

The long-term goal, Brown said during the meeting, is to create a network of bike lanes on major streets throughout the city. Planners are working on eventually extending the bike lanes along the Detroit-Superior bridge and Superior.

Source: Bob Brown, Jacob Van Sickle
Writer: Lee Chilcote
high-performing public schools plus progressive reform equals better choices for cleveland families
In recent years, Cleveland Municipal School District has opened 14 new high-performing public schools rated Excellent or Effective by the State. The Cleveland Plan, approved this summer by state legislators, will pave the way for even more improvements to the district's schools, making it more likely that urban parents will choose to remain in the city.
more than just a party, ingenuity fest to showcase work of local inventors
Ingenuity Fest 2012 will take place this weekend, September 14 to 16 at Cleveland Lakefront Docks 30 and 32, in 120,000 square feet of warehouse space. Aside from music and artistic performances, the festival will showcase the work of local inventors working on some fun and interactive projects.
“It ranges from DIY aesthetic things to engineers,” says director of programming James Krouse. “We have inventors or people who are beta testing a product or are in academic engineering programs. This is a place to display these innovations.”
The Make Space area of the festival will include the Lorain County Community College Fab Lab and the Cleveland MC2 Stem School Mobile Fab Lab -- a NASCAR trailer equipped with computers, software and lasers for creating 3-D images.

“It’s just a collection of designer software and laser cutters,” says Krouse.
A CWRU engineering graduate student will have a display of solar-powered fireflies that mimic the algorithm of fireflies’ communication. A panel of local chefs and sustainability advocates will speak on Friday about local food and sustainability. A series of talks on Saturday will examine the history of flight -- from the Wright brothers all the way through the Mars Curiosity expedition.

Source: James Krouse
Writer: Karin Connelly
bad girl ventures to hold its third business education series this fall
Bad Girl Ventures will host its third business education series that culminates with the chance for female participants to win a $25,000 loan. The nine-week session begins on September 19 at the Lakewood campus of University of Akron.
Classes cover everything from legal and accounting to business plans and marketing to improving credit scores to resources available for financing.

“We try to hit on everything on the mind of the small business owner,” explains Reka Barabas, director of BGV Cleveland. Emphasis is placed on access to capital, which is sometimes a challenge for female business owners. “Only a small segment of women-owned businesses -- about five percent -- are accessing the capital available to small business owners,” says Barabas.
Since its initial launch in Cincinnati, BGV has educated over 400 women, awarded over $190,000 in low-interest loans and helped secure over $1,000,000 in outside funding for female entrepreneurs throughout Ohio. 
Past finalists have gone on to find success in their businesses. For instance, Paula Hershman, founder of Storehouse Tea Company, just got into a new store with her product and Kelley Hynds of Hyndsight Productions just finished a video for a client, which was screened in the White House.

The application deadline for the classes is Aug. 31.

Source: Reka Barabas
Writer: Karin Connelly
'what's hot in cleveland?' a lot, says lonely planet editor
Cleveland is getting some international attention as a hot travel destination, as noted in the travel section of Canada’s National Post.
"They may not be the first places that come to mind when planning a weekend getaway to the U.S., but the nation’s abundant off-the-beaten-path cities are increasingly turning up on must-see lists," writes Robert Reid, U.S. travel editor for Lonely Planet.
“I love Cleveland. It’s such a surprise. It’s got the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for a reason. The term ‘rock ’n’ roll’ originated in this misunderstood, proud and plain-fun Rust Belt city. The museum is wonderful -- who knew Jimi Hendrix did drawings of college football players? A fun place for breakfast is the century-old West Side Market in Ohio City across the Cuyahoga River from downtown, which caught fire from its polluted waters in 1969. The river has changed too, as life has returned along with kayaks, which offer a unique view of downtown. Apparently Cleveland has more live music venues than Austin, Tex., and the best is Beachland, in east Cleveland, a transformed Croatian social hall that launched careers of bands such as the White Stripes.”
Read the full “international” story here.
'the beginning of a rust belt rebound?' asks architect's newspaper
“Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati are rebuilding their urban cores to lure and retain young professionals," writes Christopher Bentley of The Architect's Newspaper. "These cities are pursuing development strategies that reflect the distinct character of each place. Is it the beginning of a Rust Belt rebound?”
In the article titled "Can the Centers Hold? Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati are rebuilding their urban cores in what could be a sign of a Rust Belt rebound," Bentley expresses concern that redevelopment of urban environments are costly and that steps are being taken to ensure scarce dollars are not being wasted. He notes a consensus among leadership that the last thing anyone wants is a repeat of the boom and bust of the recent past.
“Everyone kind of expected in the 1990s that if we build it they will come,” said Greg Ward, vice president of Wells Fargo’s Real Estate Group in Cleveland. “Now there are concerned people in the real estate community saying, ‘How do we make sure we don’t fumble this round of big development?’”
Cleveland is trying again this time with the Cleveland Medical Mart & Convention Center as well as the New Horseshoe Casino. Downtown rental housing demand is greater than supply fostering the building or redevelopment of new properties. Additional developments are on the way.
Read the full story highlighting Cleveland as well as Ohio’s two other major cities here.

cle among 20 best for 20-somethings
“It’s hard to pinpoint what qualities 20-somethings go for in picking the perfect city," writes Nicole McDermott for the blog "Sustainability, efficient transit systems, cleanliness, and affordability may make the top of the list.”
Coming in at No. 7, Cleveland 's stats are as follows:
Average Temp (High, Low): 59, 41
Median Income: $24,687
Average Rent for 1-Bedroom Apt.: $640
Population: 396,815
Median Age: 35.7

"Named one of the best places for new college grads, Cleveland has plenty of job ops (heavy in manufacturing and engineering), and fun for after work. The city, called Beertown, U.S.A. by Draft Magazine, has some favorite breweries like Great Lakes Brewing Company, Thirsty Dog, and Willoughby Brewing. And did we mention it’s the sixth best city for block parties? (We didn’t know there was such a rating, either.) Once you’re tuckered out from hitting all the pubs Cleveland’s got to offer, keep in mind the city came in as the second best to get a good night’s sleep."

Clevelanders can take pride in the fact our fair city ranked higher than popular young adult destinations such as Denver (No. 9), New York (No. 12), Portland (No. 14), and Seattle (No. 18)
Enjoy the full list here.

cose to encourage new business with its second annual business pitch competition
COSE is looking for a few good startups. The organization’s second annual business pitch competition will be held on Thursday, October 18 at Pickwick and Frolic. Competition finalists will outline their ideas to a panel of experts, including Jeff Hoffman, founder of
“So many small business owners just starting out with a new idea need more than money and someone to talk to,” says Megan Kim, COSE director of education and programs. “We’re challenging the business owner to think about their business in a new way, think about why their business is so unique.”
To get in front of the panelists, entrants must put together an executive summary and a two-minute video pitch. Applicants must be in business less than two years and have less than $250,000 in gross annual revenue.
Twenty semi-finalists will be chosen to give a 15-minute presentation and answer questions from the panel. From there, four finalists will be chosen to present at Pickwick and Frolic. The winner will receive $20,000, while second place gets $10,000 and third and fourth places receive $5,000 each.
The competition is designed to both encourage and educate small business owners in the area.

“It’s so great to see so many people with the entrepreneurial bug,” says Kim. “People who start their own businesses don’t always know where to go or what questions to ask. This competition gives them someone to talk it through with, it gives them connection and the chance to find their roots.”
The deadline to submit the executive summary and video pitch is Tuesday, Sept. 4 by 5 p.m.

Source: Megan Kim
Writer: Karin Connelly
innovative program helps neighborhoods fight foreclosure and blight
An innovative software program developed by the Center for Urban Poverty at Case Western Reserve University is helping Cleveland neighborhood development practitioners reinvent their urban communities in strategic, data-driven ways.

NEO CANDO, a publicly accessible database, provides one-stop-shopping for anyone looking to research property information in their neighborhood. The site allows users to go beyond researching individual properties and look at snapshots of neighborhoods -- including which properties are at risk of foreclosure and which have been condemned. The site also contains social, economic and census data.

"In the past, information was collected from multiple websites, and by the time it was assembled, it was out of date," says Mike Schramm, a Research Associate in the Center on Urban Poverty in the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at CWRU. "We bring data together across domains. Our mission is to democratize data and to create data-driven decisions by both nonprofits and government."

In practice, NEO CANDO is used by foreclosure prevention agencies to research which properties are in danger of going into foreclosure. Armed with this info, grassroots groups can knock on the owner's door and attempt to intervene, thus hopefully preventing another vacant, bank-owned home in the neighborhood.

The information is also used to focus on areas with strategic assets in an effort to better protect them. "You need to know that the house across street from that recently rehabbed home is in foreclosure -- and then do something about it."

Projects like NEO CANDO are helping to facilitate a shift within the community development field towards creating more strategic, placemaking investments.

Source: Mike Schramm
Writer: Lee Chilcote
regardless the standings, the tribe is scoring big in the field of sustainability
High-profile projects like a wind turbine and solar panels combined with aggressive recycling and composting programs give the Tribe a green leg up on much of the competition. By using their standing in the community, the Indians are getting people to think about sustainability, alternative energy, and recycling.