
when it opens next month, tremont's the nest will be latest locals-only boutique


When it opens on September 1, The Nest will be yet another creative weapon in Tremont's arsenal to lure art-friendly shoppers to the neighborhood. Located in a storefront immediately adjacent to Edison's Pub, the boutique and gallery will feature an eclectic array of fine art, photography, jewelry and clothing.

Inventory will range from $6 jewelry items all the way up to $4,000 paintings. There will be products geared towards children, adults, and home décor fans.

"The clincher is that it is all handmade treasures from local artists," explains owner Robin Schulze. "We only support local people. You won't find anything bought wholesale from department stores."

Artists and craftspeople submit work on a modified consignment arrangement, Schulze says. The Nest gets a monthly fee to house and promote the work, but takes only 20 percent on the back end.

Schulze says that she was surprised to discover how easy it was to find participating artists.

"Before we secured the space, I put an ad on Craig's List to test the marketplace," she explains. "I was overwhelmingly inspired by how many people wanted to be a part of this." Now, she adds, there is a waiting list for artists to exhibit their products.

Described as fresh, modern and not stuffy, the space features slate grey and melon-colored walls. A small coffee lounge will offer espresso, tea, and Wi-Fi starting at 10 a.m. Down the road, the owners intend to add retail wine and craft beer to the mix. Eventually, they hope to turn an old garage out back into a wine bar.

The Nest
2379 Professor Avenue, Tremont

Photo by Diane VanNostran

when it opens next month, tremont's nest will be latest locals-only boutique
When it opens on September 1, The Nest will be yet another creative weapon in Tremont's arsenal to lure art-friendly shoppers to the neighborhood. Located in a storefront immediately adjacent to Edison's Pub, the boutique and gallery will feature an eclectic array of fine art, photography, jewelry and clothing -- all locally produced.
homework: home-based businesses are on the rise
As the economic malaise enters its umpteenth year, many creative folks are using it as an opportunity to grab a little slice of the artisan marketplace. With or without day jobs, a new breed of craftspeople are cultivating home-grown companies by doing what they love. Some are eager to branch out, while others are just tickled to have a creative outlet.
i live here (now): melissa reid, fox 8 reporter
As one of Fox 8's newest talents, Reid is still learning the ropes not only as they apply to work but also life in Cleveland. She and her husband moved to town from Pittsburgh just over four months ago, and they're still feeling their way around. Settling downtown, Reid says they are having a blast discovering their new surroundings -- especially the restaurants. (But she's still a Steelers fan.)
cimperman is 'darling' of food policy summit in portland
Last May, Councilman Joe Cimperman participated in the annual Community Food Security Coalition, a food policy conference in Portland, Oregon. Turns out, he killed.

"The surprise darling of the Community Food Security Coalition conference last May was a little-known city councilman from Cleveland," Hannah Wallace writes for Faster Times. "He spoke fervently about his city, a city of flourishing community gardens, backyard bee hives and chicken coops, a city where all farmers markets accept food stamps, where schools get discounts for sourcing local food, and where both trans-fats and smoking on playgrounds are banned. His name? Joe Cimperman."

In this lengthy Q and A, Cimperman discusses some of the efforts that are helping Cleveland become a "food justice utopia," and a model for other cities to emulate.

Cimperman explains how in 2007, Cleveland became the first city to pass an urban farm zoning law, leading to an explosion of community gardens. He says that by 2020, the goal is to have a community garden within five blocks of every Cleveland resident.

He also mentions progressive city programs like urban chickens and bees, farmers markets accepting food stamps, and shoring up food deserts with fresh produce.

"Community gardens just make us a nicer city," Cimperman says in the article. "They make us share more, pay more attention to each others' kids, understand each others' cultures more. There are just so many ancillary benefits to community gardens -- we can't imagine."

Digest the rest here.

freedom on two wheels: how some locals live car-free in c.l.e.
In American culture, automobiles have long symbolized personal freedom. But present-day bike advocates say the exact opposite is true: Rather than create a sense of giddy liberty, cars foster feelings of isolation and enclosure. For that reason and more -- environmental concerns, high gas prices, the desire for a healthier lifestyle -- more people are opting to go "car-light" and "car-free."
gateway animal clinic opens new, larger facility in tremont
Gateway Animal Clinic, a Tremont pet hospital that is known for accepting four-legged patients regardless of their owners' ability to pay, has relocated to a new, larger facility across the street from its original Abbey Road location.

Gateway's old home was torn down this year to make way for the Innerbelt bridge project, which is now under construction. Although Dr. Brian Forsgren, who founded the clinic 12 years ago, scoured the city for prime real estate, he ultimately decided to move across the street.

"He felt very strongly about staying in the neighborhood, so we made it work," says architect Bob Vayda, who designed the new facility at 1819 Abbey Road.

The new building is twice as large as the old one, says Vayda, and can better accommodate the clinic's growth and the needs of the neighborhood. "They'd outgrown the old building years ago," he says. The new facility, which Vayda describes as "the old building on steroids," is about 8,000 square feet.

The clinic's new location presented an interesting set of design challenges, says Vayda. For one thing, the site is largely fill dirt, which means that it had to be regraded and stabilized before a structure could be built on it.

"Back when Cleveland had street sweepers, the city apparently dumped all of its crud on that lot," he says. "When we excavated, we found evidence of old buildings with dirt floors."

Now that the move is finally complete, Gateway's staff is thrilled. "There's more room to move around, and they can see more patients," says Vayda.

Source: Bob Vayda
Writer: Lee Chilcote

bike-friendly bridge modifications signal cyclists' growing clout
For more than a year, advocates of multi-modal transportation have lobbied the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) to add bike and pedestrian lanes to the new Innerbelt bridge. They lost that fight, yet ODOT agreed to fund a $6 million renovation of the Lorain-Carnegie bridge.

That project, scheduled to be completed next fall, will add a broad, multi-use path on the north side and narrow intersections so they can be crossed more easily. It will also narrow driving lanes from 12 to 11 feet to allow room for bikers, add 'sharrows' that let drivers know they're sharing the road, and install new bike route signs from W. 20th to Abbey Avenue. This once-dicey link to Tremont will be improved with five-foot-wide bike lanes and new, historic-style lighting.

Does this high-profile victory indicate that the bike advocacy community is becoming a political force with which to be reckoned? Marc Lefkowitz, web editor for GreenCityBlueLake at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, thinks so. "When people ask why it's important to have a bike and pedestrian advocacy group, point them to sustainable transportation advocates 'Access for All,' who negotiated a $6 million commitment from ODOT," he blogged recently.

Now, cyclists are building on this victory by forming a new organization, Bike Cleveland, to amplify their voice in Northeast Ohio. "Cleveland needs a single, strong advocacy organization that will bring the cycling community together," explains Jacob Van Sickle, Active Living Coordinator for Slavic Village Development, a regular bike commuter and one of the the group's organizers. To get cyclists involved, Bike Cleveland will hold a kick-off summit on September 10th and 11th at Windows on the River in the Flats.

Yet despite having wind at their backs, cyclists in Cleveland still have a ways to go, as evidenced by Cleveland's recent approval of casino developers' plans to demolish the Columbia building on lower Prospect Ave. It will be replaced with parking, an overhead pedestrian walkway and valet parking for gamblers.

Until recently, this section of Prospect was envisioned as a prime spot for bike- and pedestrian-friendly redevelopment -- plans that opponents of the demolition say were hastily scrapped to satisfy casino developers' demands.

Source: Jacob Van Sickle, Marc Lefkowitz
Writer: Lee Chilcote

neighborhood progress inc. announces $1.8m in community development grants
Neighborhood Progress Inc. has approved more than $1.8 million in grants that will support nine community development corporations in Cleveland. The grants were awarded based on the organizations' history of carrying out transformative programs as well current market conditions that will enable these programs to spark additional investment and growth.

That money will go toward making those neighborhoods safer, healthier, more prosperous places to live and work. The grants will support a wide range of projects, including real estate development and restoration, urban green space transformation, commercial-property renovation, and efforts to improve streetscape safety and appearance.

Joel Ratner, president of Neighborhood Progress Inc., said in a release, "We see this financial support as the catalyst for new businesses in the Waterloo commercial district in Cleveland's Collinwood neighborhood. And, as a lifeline for residents in the Fairfax neighborhood who are raising grandchildren and need access to safe, affordable housing that can easily accommodate non-traditional families."

Here's a complete list of the organizations and the amount each was awarded:

Buckeye Area Development Corp. $195,000
Burten Bell Carr Development Corp. $190,000
Detroit Shoreway Community Development Corp. $225,000
Fairfax Renaissance Development Corp. $190,000
Famicos Foundation $190,000
Northeast Shores Development Corp. $195,000
Ohio City Near West Development Corp. $195,000
Slavic Village Development $221,500
Tremont West Development Corp. $195,000

what's working in cities: createhere in chattanooga
The renewal of an urban core usually involves, at some point, a grand, sweeping plan that calls for huge development projects costing millions, or billions, of dollars: a new convention center, a mass transit system, a comprehensive waterfront plan. But as cities realize the importance of attracting and retaining talent, it's the smaller development projects and neighborhood investment that are driving real and sustainable change.
gardenwalk cleveland will highlight city's urban flowers, fruits & farms
Buffalo is better known for its long, snowy winters than its flowering gardens. Yet last year, GardenWalk Buffalo, a free self-guided tour that bills itself as the largest garden tour in America, attracted an estimated 45,000 people to 300-plus gardens.

After learning about GardenWalk Buffalo from a Plain Dealer article last summer, Clevelanders Jan Kious and Bobbi Reichtell decided to make the trek northeast. Walking around the city and talking to its impassioned urban gardeners soon changed their views of the city. They returned to Cleveland inspired to create a GardenWalk event locally.

Those seeds first sown in Buffalo will bear fruit this Saturday, June 25th, when the first GardenWalk Cleveland takes place. It will feature over 100 residential flower gardens as well as community gardens, urban farms, vineyards and orchards sprinkled throughout four Cleveland neighborhoods: Detroit Shoreway, Harvard/Lee/Miles, Hough and Tremont. Each community will have a headquarters where visitors can find car parking, bike parking, restrooms, water and maps.

In addition to highlighting Cleveland's efforts to create greener, healthier neighborhoods, organizers hope the event will also break down east/west and black/white divisions by bringing together people that love gardening.

Citing the diverse, grassroots group that came together to organize the event as a harbinger of success, Reichtell stated in a release, "This is a shining example of the connections that gardens and greening work create in Cleveland," she said. "Both Clevelanders and visitors from outside the city will love getting a behind-the-scenes look at gardens and farms in Cleveland's neighborhoods."

Source: GardenWalk Cleveland
Writer: Lee Chilcote

rta spruces up stops with transit waiting environment program
The Greater Cleveland RTA Citizen's Advisory Board is making riding the bus a little more pleasurable. The Transit Waiting Environments (TWE) initiative was incorporated five years ago to improve the pedestrian environment at bus stops. The goal of the program is to provide enhanced passenger amenities and information to encourage bus ridership.

"Eighty percent of our ridership takes the bus," says Maribeth Feke, RTA's director of programs and planning. "The Citizens Advisory Board mentioned that some of the bus stops had no more than a sign and were in poor condition." RTA responded by securing Federal grant money to improve the bus stops.

Interested neighborhood groups submit proposals to receive the grant money. Eligible projects include historic preservation, creation of public art, signage, bicycle access, pedestrian pathways and landscaping.

RTA has completed about 10 projects so far, including bus stops in Lakewood, Tremont, Slavic Village, the near-west side around Gordon Park, and Euclid. Other projects are underway in Cleveland Heights and at the CMHA headquarters.

"Each is individual and has merit to them," says Feke. "It's good for riders to get a better bus stop. It's good for really everyone. It's a nice redevelopment tool."

Bike shelters have been installed at Triskett, West 117th Street and Shaker Rapid Transit Stations and Southgate Transit Center. Public art in the form of functional seating has gone in on Detroit Avenue and W. 65th Street. Future projects include a solar bus station in Cleveland Heights and public art recycling bins along the RTA red line stations.

Source: Maribeth Feke
Writer: Karin Connelly

effective leaders are needed for public schools to thrive, says outgoing ceo
Interim Cleveland Municipal School District (CMSD) CEO Peter Raskind, who is being replaced by Chief Academic Officer Eric Gordon, offered some parting thoughts on improving urban education at a forum last week on underperforming schools.

Introducing himself as "the lamest of lame ducks," Raskind told the audience at Cleveland State University's Levin College of Urban Affairs that quality urban schools are critical to reducing inequality. Then he evaluated two concepts that are often mentioned by the left and right as single solutions to the woes of public education: more money and more competition.

"Will more money help? No, not alone," he asserted. While the Cleveland Municipal School District (CMSD) laid off hundreds of teachers and staff this year, Raskind does not believe more resources alone would improve performance.

On the subject of fostering competition, he stated that "some competition is helpful, and charter schools and other competitors have induced what I like to call a 'positive discomfort' among schools. At the end of the day, we do have to compete -- yet alone, competition won't solve our problems."

The answer, Raskind said, is effective leadership. He cited Apple and General Motors as examples of two large companies that came back from the brink of destruction to flourish after being led by strong leaders.

Yet urban schools face a critical challenge in attracting good leaders because "leaders are drawn to environments where they can apply their talents to full effect, and repulsed by environments where they feel they'll be stymied," he said.

"How can we attract the best principals to our schools, when they don't have control of who they'll be able to hire?" Raskind asked the audience.

Raskind closed by drawing a comparison between urban schools and another industry that's been in the news a lot lately. "Like the auto industry, urban schools are also in a long slow decline," he said. "And labor and management are locked into complex, rigid agreements that don't function well in today's world."

"Our customers are defecting to more nimble and attractive competitors, particularly charter schools," he continued. "And like the auto industry, labor and management will go down together unless changes are made."

Source: Peter Raskind
Writer: Lee Chilcote

indie spirit: one group's effort to encourage folks to eat local
For nearly a decade, Cleveland Independents, a local marketing group, has worked tirelessly to level the playing field between independent restaurants and large national chains. By all accounts their efforts are paying off -- with a membership roster of 90 indie eateries, CI is the largest organization of its kind in the country.
merger creates largest local ageny to help homeless families

New Life Community and Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Cleveland (IHN) have come together to form Family Promise of Greater Cleveland, the largest organization in Greater Cleveland focused exclusively on helping homeless families transform their lives and achieve long-term stability while helping families remain together.

The two organizations officially merged on May 1. For the past two years, the organizations have worked to integrate staff, resources and programming to serve more families with even better outcomes at a lower cost per household served. Since 1990, New Life Community has helped more than 700 families. IHN has served more than 450 families since its shelter program was formed in 1998.

Family Promise will serve more than 100 families a year. "The goal is to definitely help families become self-sufficient and find new housing as rapidly as possible, and then maintain their housing long-term," says associate director Sarah Cruise. "By merging we've been able to combine our programming and serve more families long-term."

Two facilities -- an emergency shelter in Tremont for up to six days and interim housing in Mount Pleasant for up to six months -- a job preparedness program and case management services will give families all the resources to get back on their feet. "We're developing a relationship," says Cruise. "We can access services in the community and help with crises, the spiraling down that happens.

The home-based case management aspect of Family Promise is helping to serve more families quickly. "There is such demand for family housing," says Cruise. "By moving families faster, and individualizing the services, we're really serving families in a way that promotes long-term stability."

Source: Sarah Cruise
Writer: Karin Connelly
former ad man alan glazen says cleveland's neighborhoods abound in economic opportunity
After 35 years in the ad game -- and induction into the Advertising Hall of Fame -- Alan Glazen retired, looking forward long days spent swinging on his Lake Erie island hammock. But that's not what happened. Despite not knowing the first thing about running a restaurant, Glazen reluctantly found himself doing exactly that. As the owner of three successful concepts, Glazen wants others to join him.
michael symon tells today show that midwest will get its due
In a recent interview with TODAY, Michael Symon comments on this year's James Beard Award winners and the reputation of the Midwest in the nation's food scene.

Lamenting the oft-overlooked culinary talent in the Heartland, Symon says that "It's not often that the Best Chef in America comes out of the Midwest." While Paul Kahan, one of the five finalists for the Beard's Outstanding Chef category, is based in Chicago, the winner was D.C.-based José Andrés.

But the Midwest will get its due, promises Symon.

"For the first time ever, New York is pulling from the Midwest," Symon explains. "The farm-to-table stuff, that's all Midwest -- we're cities surrounded by farms. The movement with pork -- that's Midwest. The love of sausage, of bacon -- all Midwest."

Watch video of the interview here.

more food truck round-ups to pop-up in the 216
While the City of Cleveland sorts out the particulars of the new food truck legislation, food truck operators and fans continue to find ways to congregate.

Now into its third month, the undeniably successful C-Town Chow Down has just announced the specifics of the next tweat-up. Scheduled once again for Tremont's Lincoln Park, the event will take place May 22, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Expected food rigs include Cakes Plus, JiBARO, Nosh Box, Seti's Polish Boys, StrEat Mobile, Zydeco Bistro, Umami Moto and more.

To celebrate the fifth anniversary of Momocho, chef and owner Eric Williams decided to host a food-truck hoedown. From 6 to 9 p.m. this coming Monday, May 9, the Momocho parking lot will be filled with popular rigs serving the best mobile fare. In addition to Short Rib One, Rocco Whalen's aptly named Fahrenheit truck, guests can hit JiBARO, Dim and Den Sum and Umami Moto.

Momocho will open its restaurant and patio for seating and drinking only. Traditional margaritas will be offered for $5 and Tecate beer for $2.

For these and all food truck events, bring cash.
clevelanders bullish on farm markets to the tune of $2.5 million
Clevelanders are having a love affair with locally grown, seasonal food -- and that romance is playing out at numerous farmers markets around town. These days, it's possible to shop at a different neighborhood farmers market practically every day of the week, a far cry from when just a handful existed. What's more: Cleveland-area farmers markets will reap approximately $2.5 million this year, great news for small entrepreneurs and the local economy.