Holiday time in the newspaper biz is great news for Cleveland's
A Christmas Story House and Museum. That's the time of year when fun and fluffy holiday-themed stories fill the gaps left by the lack of real news. Here are just a few of the recent mentions about Tremont's most beloved movie abode.
In a Dallas Morning News story titled "Home featured in A Christmas Story is a holiday special," the writer opts to lead with the good-old leg lamp, stating "It stands where it should: in the living-room window."
He then goes on to say, "The living room, the lamp, the tree, the BB gun and more are inside A Christmas Story House and Museum in the Pembroke section of Cleveland. It's the actual house used for exteriors in the movie, made in 1983." Not sure where the heck the "Pembroke section of Cleveland" is, but you get the point.
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Over in Nebraska -- yes, even Nebraska loves Ralphie -- the Lincoln Journal Star ran a story called "What's Christmas without a visit to Ralphie's house in Cleveland?" Well, sad, that's what!
In the article, the reporter states that the "real draws are the house and the museum, featuring original props and costumes and memorabilia from the film and hundreds of rare behind-the-scenes photos. You'll find the red snowsuit, worn by Ralphie's little brother, Randy, and also his silver zeppelin. There's also the ratty coat that McGavin wore while he changed the flat tire. The family car is parked in a garage next to the gift shop."
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Closer in miles but no less enthusiastic, the Columbus Dispatch deems A Christmas Story House worthy of inclusion in a piece titled "Statewide festivities bound to put you in the holiday spirit."
"The home in Cleveland, featured in the beloved 1983 movie, is open year-round for tours but is, of course, especially popular this time of year. Across the street is A Christmas Story House Museum, featuring original props, costumes, photographs and memorabilia from the movie."
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So, calling all "connoisseurs of soap." For cripes sake, get thee to the Christmas Story House and Museum.