"Labyrinth," made by St. Edward High School students, and "Woman in Motion," by former Parma resident Todd Thompson, are screening this month at the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival.
With ambitious waterfront improvements, the opening of the Amazon fulfillment center, and five opportunity zones in flux, all eyes seem to be on Euclid as it charts its next steps in reclaiming its status as a thriving inner-ring suburb.
Development has covered most of the streams that flow from Cleveland Heights downhill toward Lake Erie, but the Doan Brook Watershed Partnership wants to show us what they once looked like.
Borrow Rentals has morphed into Borrow Curated Furniture + Design in Cleveland's New Chinatown neighborhood, with a new focus on custom interior design.
A new antenna on the roof of the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court building signals that affordable broadband internet service finally is coming to Cleveland's Fairfax neighborhood.
Northeast Ohio tech companies are realizing that to fill the growing demand for local talent, they need to work with programs nurturing minority students.
Andrew Kirschner, founder of Cleveland record label Mistake by the Lake, plans to open a brick-and-mortar record store with the same name on Cleveland's West Side.
PRE4CLE is all about preparing preschoolers for kindergarten, which studies show pays dividends down the road. As the organization reaches the five-year mark, it has much to celebrate but also decisions to make about where to go next.
At the Renee Jones Empowerment Center's new offices on Cleveland's Near West Side, women rescued from traffickers receive counseling, therapy and other essential services. All for free.
Opportunity zones supposedly were intended to be good for investors and poor neighborhoods alike. Two years after their creation, the benefits for all city residents are still in dispute.