Health + Wellness

cleveland foodbank receives $300k grant for new freezer and cooler space
The Cleveland Foodbank has received a $325,000 grant from the Cleveland Foundation that will go towards the cost of expanding its freezer and cooler to provide more fresh produce to families in need.

"Clearly, there's a need and gap in our area," says Karen Pozna, Director of Communications with the Foodbank, citing an annual "meal gap" of 57 million meals in the six Northeast Ohio counties the nonprofit serves. "One of the ways to address it is to distribute more fresh produce, because it's more available and it's also more nutritious."

Food banks across the U.S. have evolved a great deal in recent decades, Pozna says. Although donations of canned goods are still very much needed and accepted, these nonprofits have shifted their focus to trying to get fresh produce into the hands of the families that would benefit from it most. The Foodbank accepts donations from farmers and purchases some produce wholesale.

"Last year, we distributed over 11 million pounds of produce," says Pozna. "We work with over 600 food pantries across Northeast Ohio. We also have 12 trucks at our facility that help distribute produce and other foods to various locations."

The Cleveland Foodbank built a new facility in North Collinwood in 2005, yet it has outgrown its cooler and freezer space as the number of families in need has continued to rise throughout the recession. The Foodbank has the room to expand at its current location, and plans to build an addition to its current building.

Pozna says that Foodbank hopes to raise another another $400,000 this fall so that it can break ground before the holidays. The total cost of the project is over $2 million, and leaders would like to raise $1 million before starting the project. The nonprofit's goal is to have the new freezer and cooler open by June 2013.

Source: Karen Pozna
Writer: Lee Chilcote
pnc fairfax connection opens doors of new $5m community resource center
At the corner of E. 83rd and Carnegie Avenue, a dilapidated building has been transformed into a contemporary, glass-walled resource center. Inside these walls, youth will be mentored, adults will receive financial education and job skill assistance, and seniors will record their history within the community.

This is no ordinary redevelopment project. The PNC Fairfax Connection was designed with maximum community input to address the needs and aspirations of the Fairfax neighborhood, which lies just south of the Cleveland Clinic campus.

“We celebrate the opening of the PNC Fairfax Connection as a demonstration of what it truly means to work together to create a new relationship and a new bond between a bank and its community,” said Cleveland native James Rohr, Chairman and CEO of PNC Bank, in a press release. “PNC closely collaborated with the Fairfax community at every step to ensure the center's design and programs meet the interests and needs of this proud and historic community.”

The $5 million center, which was sustainably built and will likely receive LEED certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), is a 6,400-square-foot space that is flexibly designed to meet the needs of the community. Two full-time coordinators, Susan Blasko and Brandon Lipford, will staff it.

Upcoming programs include SPARK, a web-based literacy initiative provided in cooperation with the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Cleveland; Senior Compass programs that help seniors with help and wellness and technology skills; and Financial Connections, which are weekly financial wellness workshops.

The PNC Fairfax Connection is open daily from Tuesday through Saturday, and programs are offered in the day as well as the evening.

Source: PNC Bank
Writer: Lee Chilcote
parker hannifin pledges $1.5m to csu for human motion and control research
If someone loses a leg or arm due to war or accident, a recent endowment from Parker Hannifin Corporation to Cleveland State University is aiming to place the school among the top national options for replicating that lost limb.

Parker Hannifin, a manufacturer of motion technologies, has pledged $1.5 million to CSU for a professorship and the overall study of human motion and control. The money will be spent on a new laboratory in human motion. The lab will include treadmills, motion sensors and three-dimensional imaging equipment, all targeted at developing improved methods to duplicate healthy limbs in prosthetics and orthotics, says Joe Mosbrook, CSU's director of communications.

Working in the laboratory will be biomechanics researcher Dr. Antonie van den Bogert, named the Parker Hannifin Endowed Chair in Human Motion and Control. Van den Bogert began his tenure this fall in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at CSU’s Fenn College of Engineering.

The researcher is known for the development of computer simulation methods studying the effects of neuromuscular control and mechanical devices on human movement. Much of his prior work concentrated on the mechanics of sports performance and injuries. "He's a leader in this field," says Mosbrook. "We are very grateful to have someone of his caliber at the university."

Long term, the Parker Hannifin endowment could make CSU an epicenter for critical prosthetics and orthotics technology and research. The company "has been a great partner and benefactor to us for a long time," Mosbrook says. "This [endowment] is an important step forward for the university and the entire region."

SOURCE: Joe Mosbrook
WRITER: Douglas J. Guth
attorney general holder touts united way help line during cleveland high school event
A parent can cover their child's eyes when there is violence on television, but who will do that for a child when they're exposed to real-life trauma? That is the question United Way is answering with its 2-1-1 community access line, a 24-hour help number that's part of Cuyahoga County’s Defending Childhood initiative.

United States Attorney General Eric Holder and Cuyahoga County Executive Edward FitzGerald hosted a news conference September 28 at Martin Luther King Jr. High School to announce a $2 million Justice Department grant that will aid Defending Childhood programs including the community access line.

The phone line is manned by United Way staff members. These trained staffers determine if Defending Childhood services can help a child who has witnessed violence or experienced trauma. Diagnosing and treating children who have lived through violence can be a significant step in helping them avoid trouble later in life, says Stephen Wertheim, president/CEO of United Way.

 "The trauma a kid goes through can impact their function in society," Wertheim says. "We're trying to get to these problems at the root."

While at the high school event, Holder participated in a round-table discussion with students and teachers. He later met with a group of law enforcement officers and social workers that were also on hand.

The impact of violence on children has reached "national crisis" proportions, Holder told the audience during the Sept. 28 conference. Assessing and screening the young people victimized by violence must take precedence over merely prosecuting those perpetrating the trauma.

Studies have shown how post-traumatic stress can negatively effect children, says FitzGerald. 

"If a child witnesses horrific acts of violence, they're more likely to be involved in the justice system themselves," says the county executive. Through a preventative measure like the 2-1-1 help line, "the idea is to increase public safety rather than just incarcerating everyone."

SOURCE: Stephen Wertheim, Ed FitzGerald
WRITER: Douglas J. Guth
the intergenerational school will move to renovated space on saint luke's campus
The Intergenerational School, a high-performing charter school that is part of the Breakthrough Schools network, recently signed on to become part of the redeveloped Saint Luke's Hospital campus at Shaker Boulevard and E. 116th Street.

The highly-rated school, which has operated out of the nearby Fairhill Center for the past decade, will have the opportunity to grow within the Buckeye-Shaker Square community, customize classroom space to meet their unique needs and engage the seniors living at Saint Luke's.

"It's a great school and this will be a catalytic project for the community," says Joel Ratner, President of Neighborhood Progress Incorporated (NPI), the nonprofit developer of the Saint Luke's project. "Their model is to create intergenerational learning opportunities for kids, and now they'll be able to physically do that."

TIS is part of Phase III of the Saint Luke's project, says Ratner. Phases I and II are low-income senior housing. This final phase will complete the redevelopment of the historic, red brick hospital, which has been badly vandalized since it closed over a decade ago. Ratner also expects the Boys and Girls Club to open a small space in the building, and NPI will move its office headquarters there, as well.

NPI is now in a frantic push to complete the project by July 1, 2013 so that TIS can move in before the start of the 2013-2014 school year. The organization must raise another $3 million by May of next year in order to make that happen.

So far, the Cleveland Foundation, Saint Luke's Foundation and several private individuals have contributed to the project, which will cost a total of $6 million.

"We've already ordered the windows," says Ratner. "That alone was half a million dollars, including installation, because there are literally hundreds of custom windows. We're doing this project because it's the right thing to do."

Ratner also hopes the presence of TIS will help improve Harvey Rice School, a newly built K-8 school that is not performing well. "We'd like to get mentors there like they have at TIS, and potentially do programming together," says Ratner. "The Cleveland schools say they're open to it. This will be a huge lift."

Source: Joel Ratner
Writer: Lee Chilcote
international public markets conference offers lessons for success for west side market
The West Side Market is celebrating its Centennial year, prompting much discussion of the institution's past, present and future. Among other things, city leaders are discussing how best to ensure that the market remains successful for another 100 years.

Last week, however, the best ideas seemed to come not from local leaders but from others in Detroit, Santa Monica and Hong Kong as 250 market leaders from around the world attended the three-day International Public Markets Conference in Cleveland.

"The roots of our market are in local farmers selling their produce during the growing season," said Dan Carmody, Manager of Detroit's Eastern Market, during a panel discussion on the role of markets in the future of cities. "When I started there, it was a place where wholesale grocers dumped their product at the end of the week. Now we're trying to envision it as a revitalized local food system."

Eastern Market now sells locally-grown produce raised by urban farmers in Detroit, unlike the West Side Market, which only has a handful of vendors selling local produce.

Santa Monica's public market also was held up as an example. It offers valet parking for bicycles, works with a nearby cooking school to do demonstrations, and hosts "Meatless Mondays" to educate people about how to cook vegetarian.

And if you're looking for fresh, you can't get much more so than Hong Kong's Tai Yuen Market, which has fish swimming in tanks and live chickens. (The market recently installed a state-of-the-art ventilation system to deal with the offending odors.)

Cleveland Councilman Joe Cimperman, who touted his experience working in his uncle's butcher shop as a young man, said that change is coming to the market.

"People at the West Side Market are looking too much at last year's calendar," said Cimperman to the audience. "It won't survive unless they look at tomorrow."

Among the changes that have been recommended at the market are adding more local foods, creating more convenient hours and charging for parking. There is a proposal for a parking fee, but city leaders are still negotiating with vendors.

Cimperman vowed to continue the fight for change. "The city's lease with vendors runs out in 2014,"he said. "It's time to look at the market for the next 100 years."

Source: Joe Cimperman, International Public Markets conference
Writer: Lee Chilcote
report checks cleveland's economic vital signs: shows where city is, where it can be
If the future belongs to those cities that can frame their opportunities and challenges, act in ways that demonstrate measurable progress, and connect and engage with the smartest people and the smartest ideas, than City Vitals 2.0 can act as a road map for urban leaders.
new potluck event to build sense of community around local food
Everyone loves a potluck. They inspire people to bring their A-game and try new, exciting dishes, showcase diverse cultural backgrounds, and spark conversations about where our food comes from.

This Saturday from 4:30-7 pm, what one might call the mother of all potlucks is taking place at Edgewater Park. The grassroots "Potluck in the Park" aims to bring residents together from across the city to celebrate local food in Cleveland and share a meal together.

"The idea was inspired when a group of us went to Detroit and learned about their potlucks," says Lilah Zautner, Sustainability Manager for Neighborhood Progress Incorporated and a lead organizer of the event. "They get 200-plus people at their potlucks, a big spectrum of folks. You'll find super-delicious homemade quinoa next to a bucket of KFC fried chicken. Everything goes on the table and everyone eats."

Although the primary purpose of the event is to build a sense of community around local food, the potluck will also celebrate the city's Year of Local Food. Zautner says the effort, led by Sustainable Cleveland 2019, has been a success.

"New farms are coming online literally every week, the strength and number of farmers markets are growing, and we're getting lots of press," she says. "The quality, size and sophistication of these food-based businesses are growing."

Helping urban farmers in Cleveland grow to the next level was also a big topic of discussion at a Cleveland Connects event hosted last week by ideastream and The Plain Dealer. It raised the question, "Can distinctive restaurants, food-related businesses and urban farms nourish the rebirth of Cleveland's neighborhoods?"

"We want to use microenterprise programs to help bring farmers to scale and create value-added products," responded Colleen Gilson, Executive Director of Cleveland Neighborhood Development Coalition (CNDC). "These products will allow farmers to sell their products for more money and create more jobs."

"People have innovation and drive but not the facilities," Gilson added. "The growth of commercial kitchens would really help to spur more development."

"The sky is the limit," said David O'Neil with the Project for Public Spaces. "Cleveland, you have enormous potential to grow your local food system."

The Potluck in the Park is open to anyone; bring a dish to share and, of course, local food is encouraged. Guests can register in advance on the Eventbrite page.

Source: Lilah Zautner, Colleen Gilson, David O'Neil
chamberlain college of nursing to open new campus in health tech corridor
Chamberlain College of Nursing has announced plans to open a new campus in the MidTown Tech Center amidst Cleveland's Health-Tech Corridor this January. The new school will offer an accelerated, three-year Bachelor of Nursing degree program.

"Chamberlain is sensitive to the nursing shortage and the need to create nurses at the bachelors level to provide care where there's high levels of need," says Adele Webb, President of the new Cleveland campus. "We're a three year program, so within three years, we can contribute nurses to market."

According to the Health Policy Institute of Ohio, there is likely to be a deficit of 32,000 nurses statewide by 2020. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Ohio turned away more than 2,300 nurses last year.

Chamberlain's new Cleveland campus -- its 12th in the nation and second in Ohio -- offers several innovative features. The school's SIMCARE Lab gives students a chance to work on mannequins that simulate real-world situations such as labor, birth and when a patient stops breathing. The school also will include a Center for Academic Success to help students get the resources they need to stay in school.

The rising demand for nurses due to health care reform, an underserved market in Cleveland and the opportunity to be a part of Cleveland's medical community were all factors driving Chamberlain's decision to locate in the city, Webb says.

"As the City of Cleveland is trying to develop the Health-Tech Corridor around major institutions, this was an opportunity for us to be a part of it," Webb says.

The new Chamberlain School of Nursing facility will be located at 6700 Euclid Avenue.

Source: Adele Webb
Writer: Lee Chilcote
greater cle firms nabbed $1B in vc cash in 5 years
According to a report released by the Venture Capital Advisory Task Force based on data provided by investors and collected by tech-based development organizations BioEnterprise and JumpStart, Greater Cleveland companies attracted $961 million from venture capitalists and angel investors from 2007 to 2011.

That figure represents a 26-percent increase in dollars when compared to the previous five years.

“There is a dramatic change in the activity, the number of investable companies and the quality of the companies in the pipeline in Northeast Ohio from 10 years ago,” says Bill Trainor, co-founder and Managing Director of Mutual Capital Partners Funds I & II.

The bulk of the money went to companies in the fields of biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, healthcare service, IT, and software.

“We’re only beginning to see the results of the public, private and philanthropic initiatives begun almost 10 years ago to accelerate the successes of startups in the state,” says Doug Weintraub, JumpStart’s chair and an active investor in the region. “Given that Northeast Ohio started ramping up activity to assist and support the creation and growth of tech companies in 2005 and 2006 -- and that the National Venture Capital Association estimates the average time from initial investment to a company’s exit is about nine years -- we can expect even more success stories in the coming years.”
Read the rest of the news here.
the great outdoors: five public spaces vital to cleveland's well-being
As city dwellers, we tend to focus on buildings. But it's the spaces in between those structures that matter most, say urban planners. Public spaces bring communities together, improve our physical and mental well-being, and drive social and economic change. The presence and quality of our public spaces is a measure of the desirability of a city.
goldfish swim school 'takes the fear out of the water' for little ones
When Sonali Morris first enrolled her children (ages five and three) in swim classes while living in a Detroit suburb, it was a miserable experience.

"They were crying because they could see me sitting right on the pool deck and the water was very uncomfortable,” says Morris. “I had to go out and hide in the locker room area of the country club. I hated I couldn't see them taking lessons and had no idea what was happening.”
But then Morris discovered Goldfish Swim School, a swimming facility designed for kids four months to 12 years old.
“This was a place that really spoke to them, took the fear out of the water,” Morris says. The water is always 90 degrees, a four-to-one student teacher ratio and classes deigned to teach children to enjoy swimming. Private or semi-private lessons are offered. There’s also a snack bar, air-conditioned viewing room for parents and a pro shop.

Now, Morris and her husband Michael, along with Robert and Vicki Pietrick, are opening a Goldfish Swim School in Warrensville Heights. Construction has begun on a 8,900-square-foot facility and is expected to open in mid-November.

“We have a proprietary curriculum,” says Morris. “Swim school concepts aren’t new. We took the best practices and standardized it.”
Not only will the Goldfish Swim School teach children how to swim, the new facility will employ about 40 people year round. Morris is the general manager.

“We have a lot of part-time positions,” says Morris. “We need instructors, lifeguards, front desk workers and deck supervisors.”

Source: Sonali Morris
Writer: Karin Connelly
saint luke's foundation eyes greater impact with narrower but deeper grantmaking strategy
Like many foundations, the Saint Luke's Foundation in Cleveland has emerged from the recession with a narrower yet deeper approach to grantmaking. Beginning this year, the foundation has eschewed responsive grantmaking for targeted grants in three primary areas: health, communities and families.

"This year our foundation turned 15, and as we thought about what our successes had been and how to serve the community in the best way possible, there was interest in focusing more narrowly," says LaTida Smith, Vice President of Programming, Outcomes and Learning at the foundation.

The change has been both challenging and rewarding. "This year, we're narrowing and doing responsive grantmaking at the same time," says Smith. "There are some projects we've funded in the past that we won't be able to fund anymore, and even though we've narrowed to three areas, those challenges are still broad."

One area where Smith says the foundation has been innovative and successful is in advancing the understanding of community health. The Cuyahoga County Board of Health was awarded a grant to develop its capacity to complete health impact assessments -- basically, determinations of how planning and redevelopment decisions impact neighborhood health -- while the "Place Matters" speaker series at the City Club prompted a broad discussion of place-based health disparities.

Examples of the foundation's changed grantmaking strategy include an increased emphasis on strengthening families -- as opposed to simply helping kids or adults in isolation -- and a strong commitment to the neighborhoods around the former Saint Luke's Hospital (Buckeye, Larchmere and Shaker Square in particular).

Source: LaTida Smith
Writer: Lee Chilcote
city of cleveland to create 1.7 miles of new bike lanes along detroit avenue
The City of Cleveland has developed a plan to create bike lanes along Detroit Avenue between West 25th and West 75th streets to cater to the growing number of two-wheeled commuters using the thoroughfare.

The idea was developed as a temporary alternative to the stalled West Shoreway project, but has now taken on a life of its own. City officials say that even if more money is found to complete multi-modal paths along the Shoreway, the Detroit bike lanes are here to stay.

"This really is a new day in the City of Cleveland for cycling," Planning Director Bob Brown told the audience at a recent public meeting. "For decades, Cleveland put the priority on cars and cyclists were treated as second class citizens. The big change was the complete and green streets ordinance -- now it's the law of the land that every time we plan a roadway project, bikes have to be a priority."

"If we want to create a mode shift [away from driving and towards cycling], then we need to create the facilities to do it," added Jacob Van Sickle, Executive Director of Bike Cleveland. "Bike Cleveland will continue to push the city."

The complex project, which will span 1.7 miles and cost $76,000, includes a mixture of bike lanes and sharrows (painted arrows in the roadway indicating that cars must share the road with bikes). The five foot lanes allow for on-street parking while providing enough room for cyclists to avoid the "door zone" (the area where they could be hit if the driver of a parked car opens the door).

The long-term goal, Brown said during the meeting, is to create a network of bike lanes on major streets throughout the city. Planners are working on eventually extending the bike lanes along the Detroit-Superior bridge and Superior.

Source: Bob Brown, Jacob Van Sickle
Writer: Lee Chilcote
community kitchen, fresh-foods cafe and mobile market to serve kinsman neighborhood
Tim Tramble of Burton Bell Carr Development Inc. tried for years to recruit a healthy eatery to the Kinsman neighborhood of Cleveland. When he found an entrepreneur willing to open a Subway here, however, the corporate chain nixed the idea.

The area, which has been dubbed "The Forgotten Triangle" because of the poverty and lack of opportunity rooted here, is a food desert that does not have a grocery store within a one-mile radius. That is a problem for the area's residents, many of whom don't have their own cars.

Faced with this problem, however, Tramble and his coworkers and board decided to open a community kitchen, healthy restaurant and community space. The $1.3 million project, which aims to create access to fresh foods, encourage healthy eating and support community market gardeners, opens later this month.

"This is a really low income neighborhood without much access to personal transportation, and people have to lug groceries and common things we take for granted," says Tramble of the project, which is called the Bridgeport Cafe. "They constantly shop for just two or three days at a time."

The community kitchen contains spacious, restaurant-style food preparation space that will allow neighborhood farmers to prepare their own foods for sale.

Tramble also plans to launch a Mobile Market, a specially built truck converted to an indoor market. Patrons can enter the truck, which will make stops throughout the neighborhood, pick out produce from two aisles, pay for it and exit the truck.

Source: Tim Tramble
Writer: Lee Chilcote
neighborhood progress keeps open financial education center in buckeye
A local nonprofit has folded, but its services will live on. WECO, a community wealth building organization, dissolved this summer -- but thanks to a partnership between Neighborhood Progress Inc. and Key Bank, its Financial Education Center on Buckeye Road will continue to offer services.

"We are working to help neighborhoods regain their financial footing by starting at the very building blocks of community -- the residents," said Joel Ratner, President and CEO of Neighborhood Progress, in a release.

The Key Financial Education Center, which is located next to the Key Bank branch at 11461 Buckeye Road, has helped more than 16,000 individuals gain skills in financial management and personal investment since it opened in 2004. It offers free classes on topics such as credit, saving money and homeownership.

Neighborhood Progress has hired two former WECO employees to continue offering workshops, classes and coaching. Key Bank also has 140 employees that are certified to provide these services at the Center and in the community.

Source: Neighborhood Progress Inc.
Writer: Lee Chilcote
animal advocate groups work together for welfare of tremont strays
During a recent Tremont Art Walk, Lisa Turner took a break from running her busy pet store to chase an ailing, stray dog down Professor Avenue. After she and a friend chased it for half an hour, they caught him and took him to Gateway Animal Hospital. The Friends of Cleveland Kennel donated $1,200 for his surgery, and "Buddy" was put up for adoption.

Turner, who opened Tremont Tails earlier this year, isn't the only animal lover in the neighborhood. Tremont has always been a welcoming neighborhood for pet owners, with many of the restaurants allowing dogs on their patios. Scoops Ice Cream even serves doggie ice cream. Tremont animal rescue advocates are also helping to move dogs and cats off the street and into the hands of responsible pet owners.

"The rescue community is overwhelmed, and I saw a need to bring in more volunteers and raise awareness," says Turner of her boutique, which not only sells pet products but also connects people with animals in need of adoption. "We've been well-received by the community, and we have had adoptions here."

Becca Riker, owner of the Mutt Hutt, is another neighborhood rescue advocate. "Tremont is surrounded by dog-friendly amenities, and a lot of people who are interested in urban living want a dog for safety or companionship," says the 20-year Tremont resident, who also helped to create the Clark Field dog park.

Other Tremont organizations that are involved in animal rescue include the Animal Protective League (APL), Friends of Cleveland Kennel and Gateway Animal Clinic (which is well-known for treating rescued dogs and cats).

It's a goal that is shared by the entire community, says Turner, who has a bull mastiff she rescued from the industrial Flats. "Nine out of ten people who walk in here have a mutt. They're all rescued. People here really care about their pets."

Source: Lisa Turner, Becca Riker
Writer: Lee Chilcote
innovative program helps neighborhoods fight foreclosure and blight
An innovative software program developed by the Center for Urban Poverty at Case Western Reserve University is helping Cleveland neighborhood development practitioners reinvent their urban communities in strategic, data-driven ways.

NEO CANDO, a publicly accessible database, provides one-stop-shopping for anyone looking to research property information in their neighborhood. The site allows users to go beyond researching individual properties and look at snapshots of neighborhoods -- including which properties are at risk of foreclosure and which have been condemned. The site also contains social, economic and census data.

"In the past, information was collected from multiple websites, and by the time it was assembled, it was out of date," says Mike Schramm, a Research Associate in the Center on Urban Poverty in the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at CWRU. "We bring data together across domains. Our mission is to democratize data and to create data-driven decisions by both nonprofits and government."

In practice, NEO CANDO is used by foreclosure prevention agencies to research which properties are in danger of going into foreclosure. Armed with this info, grassroots groups can knock on the owner's door and attempt to intervene, thus hopefully preventing another vacant, bank-owned home in the neighborhood.

The information is also used to focus on areas with strategic assets in an effort to better protect them. "You need to know that the house across street from that recently rehabbed home is in foreclosure -- and then do something about it."

Projects like NEO CANDO are helping to facilitate a shift within the community development field towards creating more strategic, placemaking investments.

Source: Mike Schramm
Writer: Lee Chilcote
former school in old brooklyn will become farm serving people with disabilities
The 2.3-acre site of a former school in Old Brooklyn that has been fallow since it was torn down in 2008 will once again be used for educational purposes. This time, however, it will be used to teach adults with disabilities and city residents how to farm.

In partnership with the City of Cleveland and Cuyahoga Land Bank, Koinonia Homes will transform the former Memphis School into a small farm featuring two greenhouses, a poultry building for fresh eggs, eight crop fields and a community garden. The farm will provide work opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities as well as food for Koinonia's programs.

“This project is a win-win for everyone,” said Cleveland Councilman Kevin Kelley in a release. “Koinonia will have the ability to provide its clients with job skills training, the city sees this land going back into productive use, and Old Brooklyn residents have the opportunity to experience community gardening as well.”

Rising Harvest Farms will be located at West 41st and Memphis Avenue. The site will be prepared this fall and the first harvest is expected next season.

Source: Koinonia, Inc.
Writer: Lee Chilcote
roots of american music brings music education into low-income schools
When musician educators with Roots of American Music hold workshops in Cleveland public schools, it almost goes without saying that they are entering a place that doesn't have a full-time music teacher. Most cannot afford to hire full-time music staff, so they rely on part-time faculty and visiting artists.

The 14-year-old nonprofit organization educates more than 15,000 students throughout Northeast Ohio each year, teaching social studies, financial literacy and health education through music.

"We do a lot of songwriting about topics that are important to kids," says Kevin Richards, ROAM's Director. "They work with authentic artist-educators who not only can teach but are also bluesmen, Cajun zydeco artists or rappers."

Richards likens ROAM's educational approach to parents who disguise healthy foods to get their kids to eat them. In general, the artists have little trouble convincing kids to participate. "Kids don't realize they're getting an academic message at the same time as they're fooling around with traditional music."

ROAM's curriculum has changed as educational goals have evolved. When Richards created the organization, the focus was on teaching social studies. Today, such staple courses are supplemented with programs about financial literacy and health education (the latter is in partnership with the Cleveland Clinic).

One popular program called "On the Move" teaches students in the Central neighborhood of Cleveland about migration patterns throughout history. Students learn the song "Kansas City" and change the lyrics to fit their family's story.

Roots of American Music will host its 13th annual Benefit for Education on Saturday, October 6th at the Beachland Ballroom. Multi-award-winning Austin singer-songwriter Guy Forsythe is the headliner. The tickets are $125 for VIP access including dinner and preferred seating, or $15 for the concert only.

Source: Kevin Richards
Writer: Lee Chilcote