Sustainability + Environment

cimperman profiled at length in spirit magazine
In a lengthy feature titled, "Power of One," Spirit magazine highlights a half-dozen people who discovered their calling. The in-flight magazine of Southwest Airlines devotes a majority of the ink to Cleveland Councilman Joe Cimperman.

"In his 16 years as a councilman, [Cimperman] has passed pioneering urban farm zoning legislation at a time when no other city in the U.S. had done so, and spearheaded a local food procurement ordinance that gives companies who do business with the city a bid discount for sourcing food locally. In 2009, he sponsored so-called “chicken and bees” legislation, which allows residents to keep up to six chickens and two beehives in their backyards or on vacant lots. He was ridiculed for it at the time -- colleagues did the chicken dance as they passed him in the hallway -- but today both raising hens and beekeeping are popular pastimes in Cleveland."

"In 2011, Cimperman, chair of the city’s public health committee, helped shape Mayor Frank Jackson’s “Healthy Cleveland” resolution, a series of audacious public health goals that was crafted in conjunction with four local hospitals, including the Cleveland Clinic. A handful of these have already been passed by City Council: outlawing smoking in public spaces and banning artery-clogging trans fats at restaurant chains and bakeries. Several other pieces of legislation -- including one that would improve food in public schools -- are in the pipeline. Though the trans fat ban was overturned by Ohio’s state legislature last June, the City of Cleveland is now suing the state for the right to reinstate it. Cimperman is leading the effort."

Read more about his good work here.
recycling and composting forum highlights need to ramp up city goals, create jobs
Communities in Cuyahoga County are recycling about 50 percent of their waste on average, Diane Bickett, Executive Director of the Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District, told the audience at the recent Cleveland Composting and Recycling Forum.

Austin, Texas has an ambitious goal of reaching zero waste by 2040, which means reducing the amount of trash sent to landfills by 90 percent.

The question now becomes: How does our region advance those goals while encouraging communities with dismal levels of recycling to raise the bar? That was the question that Bickett posed to the crowd during the one-day examination of recycling and composting in our region.

The City of Cleveland has one of the lowest levels of recycling in Cuyahoga County at about seven percent. Cleveland Heights and Lakewood hover around 60 percent, and Pepper Pike is over 70 percent. Bickett said that Cleveland and other cities could improve recycling rates by focusing on new, automated technologies, expanding organic collection, adding more recycling in public spaces, making citywide policy changes, and better educating residents and businesses.

Beyond the sustainability benefits, recycling also creates jobs. "For every job in the disposal industry, 17 are created in the recycling industry," Bickett said.

Given the prowess of the local food and urban agriculture movements in Cleveland, Bickett cited an opportunity to create composting facilities run by volunteers and community organizations that generate nutrient-rich soil.

Councilman Brian Cummins criticized the city's one-size-fits-all disposal fee and unambitious recycling goals (the city aims to recycle up to 25 percent of its waste by building a waste-to-energy facility and rolling out curbside recycling citywide). 

Cummins also promoted the idea that recycling could generate local jobs, although he and Bickett acknowledged that recycling programs actually cost cities money.

City of Cleveland representatives were invited to attend the forum but declined.

Source: Diane Bickett, Brian Cummins
Writer: Lee Chilcote
urban sheep grazing could be coming to a vacant lot near you
Drivers traveling along I-90 near E. 55th could experience mild whiplash as they crane their necks to see the sheep grazing on the roadside this summer. It's not the most common sight along the lakefront, and the story behind it is no less unusual.

Michael Fleming first heard of the idea when he was studying Urban Planning at the Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University. The mayor of Curitiba, Brazil had used sheep to mow the city's vast parkland, he found out.

"They brought in shepherds for parkland because it was cheaper than using machines," says Fleming. "With large amounts of land, it just makes sense."

A few months ago, when Fleming was hired as Executive Director of the St. Clair Superior Development Corporation, he finally had a chance to import the idea from South America to Cleveland. A flock of 12 sheep are now grazing along North Marginal Road just west of the Quay 55 apartment building. They are tended by volunteers and students from nearby St. Martin De Porres High School.

"About 95 percent of our neighbors think it's cool, and five percent are afraid they'll get picked off by teenagers or coyotes," says Fleming, who has fielded calls from as far away as Detroit about the program. "We wanted to see how it would work on large vacant parcels, and if we could save the city any money on mowing costs."

So far, the Urban Sheep Grazing program has worked out well, with the sheep, guarded by a feisty llama, seemingly content to graze all day in their shaggy lakefront field. Visitors regularly stop by to take pictures and show their kids.

The sheep are loaned from the Spicy Lamb Farm in the Cuyahoga Valley through a new entity called Urban Shepherds. Fleming thinks expanding the program could bring down costs and make it feasible as a mowing alternative; he hopes to have the numbers to back his hypothesis up by the end of the summer.

Source: Michael Fleming
Writer: Lee Chilcote
local preservation blogger leads walking tour of east cleveland
Christopher Busta-Peck first became interested in teaching others about Cleveland's architectural history when he developed summer history programs for kids as part of his job as a children's librarian.

Too fascinated to put the material down, he soon found himself enmeshed in creating a local history and preservation blog, Cleveland Area History, that has been called the voice of history and historic preservation in Northeast Ohio.

Part of what motivates Busta-Peck is the simple notion that our area's history often lies "hidden in plain sight" between modern buildings, tucked amid neighborhoods or covered up by garish additions. He also believes historic buildings are among the competitive advantages our city should trumpet.

"We have historic buildings that set us apart from other parts of the country," he says. "It's a monetary asset we need to think of when compared to other cities."

Through working to elevate the discussion about urban history, Busta-Peck hopes to make saving Cleveland's forgotten fabric a bigger part of our civic discourse.

On Saturday, June 9th, Busta-Peck will lead a walking tour of East Cleveland in collaboration with SPACES. Among the sites on the tour are a stone tannery he touts as one of the most significant early industrial sites in Cleveland and a large, once beautiful mansion that now lies hidden behind a gas station.

Source: Christopher Busta-Peck
Writer: Lee Chilcote
produce perks program addresses fresh food gaps in city neighborhoods
When the Broadway Farmers Market in Slavic Village piloted a new program to offer a dollar-for-dollar match to Ohio Direction Card customers who purchase produce, it experienced a 191-percent increase in Direction Card sales in one year.

By offering incentives, the Produce Perks program helps to ensure that fresh, locally grown produce gets into low-income households where it's needed most. Many city residents do not have a grocery store with fresh produce within walking distance of their home. The program offers a dollar-for-dollar match up to $10.

This summer, the Produce Perks program is being expanded to 17 local farmers markets throughout Cuyahoga County. The program has been successful at helping lower-income residents to overcome obstacles that inhibit them from shopping at farmers markets and boosting their produce purchasing power, organizers say.

"We know that there are more people using local food assistance programs due to the economy, so how do we get them to local farmers markets?" says Erika Meschkat, Program Coordinator with the Ohio State University Extension. "This is about improving public health, boosting local food production and creating economic development opportunities at neighborhood farmers markets."

Meschkat says that the Produce Perks program helps farmers markets to profit from an untapped market. While many suburban market managers are shocked to realize that they have customers on food assistance, too, it benefits them as well.

The program is part of a regional push to address healthy food gaps by helping low-income residents to take advantage of farmers markets. Produce Perks is coordinated by the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Food Policy Coalition with the support of several area foundations and Wholesome Wave, a national nonprofit organization focused on access to healthy, affordable foods in poor communities.

Source: Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Food Policy Coalition
Writer: Lee Chilcote
great lakes brewing jumps in craft beer rankings
According to beer sales volume calculated by The Brewers Association, a Boulder-based not-for-profit trade group that tabulates production statistics for U.S. breweries, Great Lakes Brewing Company is now the 18th largest craft brewery in the country. That is a jump from the #22 position the previous year.
According to the same stats, Great Lakes also is now the 27th largest American brewery overall, up from #31 previously.
Great Lakes produces over 110,000 barrels of beer annually and serves 13 states and Washington D.C. The company will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2013.

See all the sudsy stats here.
edgewater beach cleanups seek to revitalize cleveland's lakefront
In April, 51 volunteers picked up more than 500 pounds of trash at Edgewater Park as part of an effort to revitalize our city's beaches and reconnect Clevelanders to our lakefront parks.

Among the items that were collected at Edgewater that day were more than 3,000 cigar tips that had washed up in Edgewater cove.

Cleveland has the dubious distinction of being a leader in cigar tip pollution in the Great Lakes region, says Erin Huber of Drink Local Drink Tap. Currently, Huber has the cigar tips soaking in soapy water in her basement. She plans to complete an art project with them in order to raise awareness about pollution in Lake Erie.

Huber says that the beach cleanups help to improve the city's neglected system of lakefront parks. "It makes me absolutely furious, because the state park staff are basically glorified garbage people who hardly even have time to replace broken light bulbs," she says. "The state parks don't have any money, but all of the volunteer hours we log can be used to apply for funding for the park."

Although Huber believes that the long-term solution for the lakefront parks is for the City of Cleveland to hire the Metroparks to more effectively manage them, she is encouraged by the diverse array of beach lovers that have pitched in to help so far. These events help to build an active constituency for the parks, she says.

The Friends of Edgewater Park, the nonprofit group that partners with Drink Local Drink Tap on the cleanups, is focusing its efforts on supporting Ohio Department of Natural Resources staff through a range of activities.

The next "Pancakes and Trash" beach cleanup, which is cosponsored by Friends of Edgewater Park, the Ohio Sierra Club, Cleveland Lakefront State Parks and 106.5 The Lake, takes place on Saturday, June 2nd from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The Ohio Sierra Club is hosting a free pancake breakfast that begins at 9 a.m.

Source: Erin Huber
Writer: Lee Chilcote
ohio city's great lakes brewing adds two 300-barrel fermentation tanks
Great Lakes Brewing Company is now the 18th largest craft brewery in the U.S. and the 27th largest overall. The company brews more than 110,000 barrels of handcrafted beer every year.

The brewing process takes place in a warehouse at Carroll Avenue and West 28th Street near the West Side Market. Visitors to Great Lakes Brewing Company's flagship bar and restaurant on Market Avenue often can catch a whiff of the beer brewing and fermenting as they walk in to grab a pint.

Recently, Great Lakes purchased and installed two new 300-barrel fermentation tanks to further expand its brewing capacity. The new equipment, which was hoisted in by crane through the roof of its Carroll Avenue tank farm, is on top of $7 million in capital improvements completed in 2010 to expand capacity.

Great Lakes beer is now available in 13 states and Washington D.C., and the company has a philosophy of supporting sustainability and natural, locally grown food. Owners Patrick and Daniel Conway have plans to deepen Great Lakes' presence in existing markets as they celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2013.

Source: Great Lakes Brewing Company
Writer: Lee Chilcote
environmental groups host forum to promote recycling and composting
Last fall, when the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency held a hearing on the City of Cleveland's proposed waste-to-energy plant, hundreds of protesters turned out to decry the plans.

The gasification plant, which would turn trash into energy to be used by Cleveland Public Power, would result in unacceptable levels of pollution in urban neighborhoods, environmental groups said.

Since then, the city has terminated its agreement with its controversial consultant, Peter Tien. However, CPP says that it is still studying the waste-to-energy plant as well as other options to increase recycling, reduce costs and generate electricity.

To capitalize on the renewed interest in recycling and composting generated by the public meetings earlier this year, environmental groups are now pressing the city to develop a more comprehensive plan. Ohio Citizen Action, Earthday Coalition and other groups have organized the Cleveland Composting and Recycling Forum on Saturday, June 2nd at the downtown YMCA.

“Clevelanders have said loud and clear that they want stronger recycling programs,” commented Chris Trepal, Executive Director of Earth Day Coalition, in a news release. “The urban gardening and local food community in Cleveland creates hundreds of opportunities for the productive use of compost.”

"We're hoping to bring in good ideas from other cities," adds Sandy Buchanan, Executive Director of Ohio Citizen Action, who says that the local and national speakers attending the event will provide a litany of successful models.

The public forum takes place at a crucial time, as the city is gearing up to roll out its recycling program to additional neighborhoods over the course of the summer.

Brian Cummins, a Cleveland Councilman who represents the Brooklyn Centre, Clark-Fulton and Stockyards neighborhoods adjacent to the proposed gasification plant, says that the city's recycling program needs improvement.

"The city claims this is a comprehensive system, but they haven't been able to roll it out citywide due to budget problems," he says. "We need to look at incentives to recycle, such as 'pay as you throw' fees that other cities are now using."

The City of Cleveland has stated that its goal in the next few years is to roll out its recycling program to all neighborhoods. No composting program currently exists.

Source: Chris Trepal, Brian Cummins
Writer: Lee Chilcote
port authority to build new boats to help clean up river debris
Although the environmental health of the Cuyahoga River has dramatically improved in recent decades, ugly mats of hazardous floating debris and litter still accumulate in the bends of the famously crooked river.

If a violent storm rolls in off Lake Erie, or strong winds spring up, the mats can easily break apart and float into the shipping channel. The sudden presence of fallen logs and other debris can create a dangerous obstacle course for boaters and rowers traversing the river.

Later this summer, the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority will begin using two specialized aluminum work boats to remove floating debris from the river and the Lake Erie shoreline. The new boats, called Flotsam and Jetsam, are being paid for by a $425,160 grant from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. The river cleanup initiative is the first comprehensive initiative of its kind.

"The river is a lot cleaner than it looks and now has 40 species of fish, but this program will demonstrate stewardship to the community," says Jim White, Director of Sustainable Infrastructure Programs for the Port Authority. "This is one of the pieces of the puzzle in terms of restoring the health of the river."

Source: Jim White
Writer: Lee Chilcote
metalwork artist opens showroom in tremont, sells almost everything in stock
Kevin Busta's trendy, neo-industrial furnishings have been written up in the New York Times and grace sleek lofts and posh living rooms all the way from New York City to Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Yet the metalworking artist, who grew up in Medina, chose W. 14th Street in Tremont to locate his showroom. Last week, he sold out of nearly all his furnishings in a single week as eight new businesses opened in the neighborhood and the monthly Art Walk kicked off the summer season.

"Cleveland is so full of everything that I really need," says Busta, a former boilermaker who was once arrested for dumpster diving at an industrial park in Medina (he got off after showing the judge photos of his high-end furniture). "New York doesn't have what Cleveland has in terms of surplus scrap metal."

Busta makes his lamps, tables and chairs out of metal that he buys at scrap yards and auctions. His tables typically sell for $4,000 and up, while a table lamp might sell for $300 to $500. Busta stresses that he does not simply repurpose scrap materials, but rather transforms the raw materials into something new.

"It's glorifying the old with a modern twist to it," he says. "It's taking what a lot of people see every day driving through industrial parks and changing the way people look at these old, industrial remnants by glorifying rust."

Source: Kevin Busta
Writer: Lee Chilcote
cleveland lakefront preserve open house to showcase bird and butterfly mecca
Every spring, the Cleveland Lakefront Nature Preserve is a bustling, seasonal stopover for birds and butterflies on their annual migration northward. The 88-acre preserve, a former dredging containment facility reclaimed by nature, is now a unique, undeveloped park along Lake Erie.

Yet, while more than 280 species of birds have been spotted at this lush, wild site, many Clevelanders still don't know about the preserve, which was created earlier this year by the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority. The Port hopes to change that by introducing a few more Northeast Ohioans to the park this weekend at its twice-annual open house and Migration Mania event.

"This is the only nature preserve in Cuyahoga County," says Linda Sternheimer, Development Manager with the Port of Cleveland. "It's also one of the few places where you can look at the lake without the breakwall and get a sense of the enormity of Lake Erie, and it offers unobstructed views of downtown."

The open house takes place Saturday, May 19th from 7:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. The Cleveland Lakefront Nature Preserve is located east of I-90 and Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. Visitors are invited to walk the 1.3-mile loop trail and enjoy guided hikes by naturalists and presentations on the history and ecology of the site.

Source: Linda Sternheimer
Writer: Lee Chilcote
tremont's new miranda's vintage bridal upcycles classic gowns
Miranda Park has always loved vintage ball gowns from the '40s and '50s, whose intricate, hand-sewn details and figure-flattering designs are often imitated, but nearly impossible to replicate.

Last month, Park traded her job as a seamstress at a bridal store in Rocky River to launch Miranda's Vintage Bridal and Alterations on W. 14th Street in Tremont. She's turned her passion for classic gowns into a business that can help modern brides go green -- and look great doing it.

"They just don't make dresses like that anymore," says Park, who majored in fashion design at Kent State University and says that artsy, historic Tremont is the perfect spot for her destination business. "I find them on eBay or at vintage stores, then use my skills as a seamstress to remake, redesign and restore them."

Park invites her customers to bring in their favorite vintage gowns for custom alterations. Since most new wedding dresses are expensive and used once, she says she's tapping into a national trend towards green, sustainable weddings.

Source: Miranda Park
Writer: Lee Chilcote
q & a: michael gill, editor of great lakes courier
This month Cleveland welcomes Great Lakes Courier, a high-energy free monthly paper that caters to Northeast Ohio's enthusiastic cycling community. "One of the things we hope to provide is a place for different groups of cyclists to tell stories and interact," says editor Michael Gill.
share the road: bevy of new bike tours, rides and rentals confirm growing appeal in two-wheeling
What’s on your summer to-do list? Hanging out at your favorite outdoor café? Taking a dip at Edgewater? Enjoying a Tribe game at Progressive Field? Well, here’s another: touring Cleveland by bicycle. This year it’s easier than ever to see the city via two wheels thanks to new bike-tour operators, public rides, and bike rental companies.
with lorktech, case students poised to enter growing flexible electronics market
How does an incorrect soda price at a retailer lead to an emerging tech company? Just ask Case student Mark Lorkowski, who came up with the idea for an electronic shelf display system while shopping for a case of Mountain Dew. With Lorktech, he hopes to drink up a portion of the $250 billion flexible electronics market.
vitamix breaks ground on $10m expansion to feed global appetite for healthy foods
Although Vitamix's commercial-grade blenders and mixers eat up a good chunk of change -- around $500 on average -- that hasn't stopped consumers in the U.S. and more than 80 countries abroad from snatching them up at record rates.

They don't call it a "super blender" for nothing -- Vitamix is the iconic company that brought us the smoothie, yet its machines are now used by chefs and health-conscious consumers to make everything from soups to soy milk. In Taiwan and many other countries, sales are up 80 percent over the past three years as the growing middle-class becomes increasingly health-conscious.

Bolstered by demand, the company recently broke ground on a $10-million, 51,000-square-foot expansion to its Northeast Ohio headquarters. This development is on top of a $6-million, 40,000-square-foot expansion in 2010. Overall, sales have doubled in the past three years, the company says.

Vitamix manufactures all of its products at its Olmsted Falls headquarters, and sources parts locally, as well.

"Our product helps people to eat more whole foods and choose a healthier lifestyle all over the world," says Jodi Berg, the great-granddaughter of W.G. Barnard, who founded the company in 1921. "A lot of Western diseases and ailments can be controlled and prevented by the fuel and food we put into our bodies."

"Vitamix allows you to take whole healthy foods and turn them into what Martha Stewart calls 'velvet on your tongue.' Healthy, wholesome and easy to make."

Source: Jodi Berg
Writer: Lee Chilcote
home repair resource 'empowers people to fix own homes'
Fixing up an older home can be a daunting task. These days, many homeowners don't know a wrench from a pair of pliers, and even if they are handy, both their tools and their skills may be a little bit rusty.

That's where the Home Repair Resource Center (HRRC), a 40-year-old nonprofit organization based in Cleveland Heights, can help. HRRC offers how-to classes for residents throughout Cuyahoga County and a tool-loan program geared to residents of Cleveland Heights.

"We want to empower people to fix their own homes, especially now because there's such a need," says Kathryn Lad, Executive Director of the HRRC. "We teach people how to do it themselves or to hire the right person for the job."

Since the HRRC was founded out of a church in Cleveland Heights, the group has facilitated over $14 million in home improvements. Lad recalls with pride a class geared towards women that spurred a group of friends to build their own garage. The group also offers foreclosure intervention services, financial education and financial assistance programs for low-income homebuyers.

"Everybody is having a tough time right now, and money is tight," says Lad. "People tend to be doing more repairs in reaction to emergencies than remodeling projects. We help people take care of things they have to take care of."

The HRRC has an ongoing series of Tuesday night classes and is also offering a new series entitled "Practical Sustainability: New Thinking for Older Homes."

Source: Kathryn Lad
Writer: Lee Chilcote
putting the 'metro' in metroparks: expansion follows population back to city center
When the Metroparks were planned in the early 20th century, they were envisioned as a chain of connected reservations encircling (but not in) the city of Cleveland -- hence the name “Emerald Necklace.” But as more residents move to the urban core, the Metroparks knew the time was right to follow them.
cle 'antithesis of a dying city,' says the atlantic
Downtown Cleveland is experiencing a population rebound according to Richard Florida, Senior Editor at The Atlantic.
Florida quotes in a Case Western's Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development study: “Over the last two decades, the [downtown] neighborhood's population grew 96%, with residential totals increasing from 4,651 to 9,098. It was the single largest spike of any neighborhood, suburb, or county measured for the two decades under study. Downtown residential occupancy rates now stand over 95% and developers are eagerly looking to meet residential demand.”
“Twenty-somethings are creating a new and potentially powerful housing pattern as they snap up downtown apartments as fast as they become available. Neighborhood life is blossoming on blocks once dominated by office workers and commuters, and people are clamoring for dog parks.”
"The significance of Cleveland’s population shift cannot be exaggerated. As Jim Russell puts it: “the urban core is a net importer of young adults and a net exporter of old adults. That's the antithesis of a dying city."
Read the full story here.