Campus District

opening up: tri-c expands service model with school-wide initiative
In June, Cuyahoga Community College received a $650,000 grant from the Cleveland Foundation to help finance its One Door -- Many Options for Success initiative. The college-wide effort going into effect this year will expand Tri-C's service model, providing structured support services through student-centric college success teams and other programming.
planning ahead eases the transition from tri-c to bachelor's degree
Community college is a viable option for students seeking to save money while preparing to continue their studies at a four-year college. However, many undergraduates make costly and time-consuming mistakes before even getting to the transfer process. This potential nightmare can be avoided with careful planning done at the earliest stage of a student's academic career. Tri-C is not just streamlining this process to make transfer easier, it's promoting the importance of setting a direction the moment a student enters the institution.
tri-c year-one program a 'campus support system' for new students
Cuyahoga Community College's stated mission is to provide an affordable, high-quality learning experience for its diverse enrollment. Considering the amount of freshmen arriving on its doorstep each year, Tri-C has created an initiative to guide incoming students past the higher education threshold as painlessly as possible.
First Year Experience (FYE) is a multi-faceted, comprehensive introduction to Tri-C, says Dr. Michael Schoop, president of the school's Metropolitan Campus. The "campus support system" for new students folds the college's ordinary orientation procedures into a systematic, larger-scale effort meant to focus freshmen on long-term career and academic goals.
"Tri-C has long been interested in anything that can help more of our students become successful," says Schoop. "With so many of them new to the college experience, we needed a more structured approach."

Read the rest of the story here.
reps from prior convention host cities offer tips on how best to leverage the big show
Tampa Bay successfully hosted the Republicans in 2012, and Denver hosted the Democrats four years before that. Fresh Water decided to reach out to representatives from each city to see if our fair city could glean some best practices on how to pull off a successful -- and inclusive -- convention.
thermedx device reduces risk of hypothermia during surgery
When doctors perform surgical procedures, they typically use cold surgical irrigation fluid to expand the patient’s body cavity. The cold fluid can increase their risk of hypothermia, which in turn leads to three times the risk of surgical site infections and other complications. 

Now hospitals like the Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals have turned to a local company for a solution. Thermedx has developed the first smart surgical irrigation device to provide fluid warming in arthroscopic and hysteroscopic procedures.
“We developed a smart version of an irrigation pump,” explains Thermedx co-founder and executive vice president Mike Haritakis. “It’s a touchscreen, multi-functional irrigation pump that can actually allow a procedure to be done with one device”
The Thermedx’s Fluid Smart System, which is used primarily in endoscopic and laparoscopic gynecological, urological and orthopedic procedures, pressurizes the body cavity safely during surgery to improve visibility, warms the irrigation fluid and monitors the fluids and prevents hypothermia.
“It really consolidates the devices and streamlines the staff in the OR,” explains Angela Dubik, clinical services manager. “The end result is it makes surgeons’ and nurses’ jobs much easier, it saves the hospital money and it improves patient care.”
Thermedx developed the Fluid Smart System in part through funding from Third Frontier and BioEnterprise. The company employs 18 people and is growing. “We’re just looking to continue to develop new products,” says Haritakis. “We want to continue to add jobs to support Northeast Ohio growth in the medical device community. We’re all about growth, essentially.”
while sports are fun, gay games will leave a positive legacy long after closing ceremony
As the 2014 Gay Games play out with eclectic events all over town, it becomes clear how they will leave a lasting positive effect on the host city of Cleveland. Uniting beneath a banner of inclusion, collaboration and unity, participants and sponsors establish a spirit that will endure long after the lights have dimmed and the last athlete has left the track.
for those about to rock, tri-c's music curriculum prepares you for a music-filled career
Any teenager with a smartphone and some ingenuity can record a song and download it to SoundCloud or YouTube. But Cuyahoga Community College’s recording arts and technology program prepares students for all types of positions within the audio industry.
a thousand words: tri-c's graphic design program gives students a story to tell
Graphic design is a form of visual storytelling, where a few well-crafted images can speak to the viewer in a language more powerful than words. Cuyahoga Community College's graphic design program helps students to harness that power for themselves, with the story they're telling going straight into their portfolios. 
putting art at the heart of neighborhood redevelopment
Artists are often the first to move into urban neighborhoods, and also the first to move out when rents escalate. Yet in the post-recession landscape, many communities are working with artists to transform blight, engage residents and reimagine their neighborhoods.
from bust to boom: how the city's brand is on the rise, within our borders and beyond
There has been a flood of new businesses that tout the city through an assortment of Cleveland-themed apparel and products or by integrating the city name right into the company’s branding. Many point to the recent recession as the dawn of this entrepreneurial movement, which coincided with a newfound pride of place.
university study ranks cities' walkability; cleveland in top 10
In a recently released report by the Center for Real Estate and Urban Analysis at George Washington University School of Business in conjunction with Smart Growth America, the 30 largest U.S. cities were ranked by how walkable they are. This is key indicator on how cities are shifting from suburban sprawl to urban infill.
“The researchers, including Leinberger, first looked at Walkscore heat maps, focusing on areas that scored high. They then looked at areas with significant regional importance, meaning they have at least 1.4 million square feet of office space and more than 340,000 square feet of retail space. They combined these factors to determine areas they call "walkable urban places" or WalkUPs.”

But the report doesn’t just evaluate the present; it looks ahead.

“Researchers then tried to predict how these areas would grow in the future by looking at trend lines and pricing premiums in rent space, which indicate demand level. For example, demand around train stations in places like Washington, D.C. is so high commercial and residential renters can pay a premium of between 50 and 80 percent, said Emerick Corsi, president of Cleveland-based Forest City Enterprises Real Estate Services.

Coming in at No. 10 is Cleveland.

“Ohio's largest city hangs on to the bottom spot in the Top 10, but that may change soon. It's set to plummet to No. 24 in the future. Cleveland is one of a handful of older industrial cities where walkability is largely rooted in the past, where a strong city center is walkable while the rest of the surrounding suburban area lacks any kind of walkable urban space.”

Read the rest here.
study shows local startups are getting the funding, support they need to thrive
An annual economic impact study conducted by Center for Economic Development at Cleveland State University’s Levin College of Urban Affairs shows that companies that received support from 16 of the area’s business accelerators, incubators and other organizations generated $424 million for Ohio.
Of the 245 companies surveyed, 236 companies are in Northeast Ohio, generating $306.2 million in the region. These numbers reflect good news for the startup community in Cleveland. “Companies that start here are growing,” says JumpStart chief marketing officer Cathy Belk. “The fact that companies are growing and generating jobs reflects that those courageous folks jumping into the startup world are able to access great people, capital and the expertise -- and are able to lead their companies forward. The ecosystem here is robust and getting more robust all the time.”
Of the companies included in the latest study, 42 local businesses have participated each year over the past four years. “Over that time, they have grown payroll by $14.7 million and created and retained 134 jobs in this region,” says Belk. “This reflects that startups here are able to be successful, creating sustainable jobs for people who live here.”  
Belk wants to see these trends grow. “We want entrepreneurs to continue to decide to start companies in this area, and keep them here because of their ability to be successful here,” she explains. “We have to make sure we continue to have the successful startup programs and ecosystem in this region, ensuring companies are able to access the capital they need. And we must continue to help a broader number of small businesses -- including those that could create a significant number of jobs. These are all next steps for our community to maintain and accelerate our momentum.”

lab chat: why the heck does drug development take so long?
Welcome to the latest round of Lab Chat, in which we try to demystify the often complex field of biomedical research. Today, our well informed post-doc takes on commercial drug development, specifically, why the heck does it take so long for prescription drugs to move from lab to local pharmacy?
we've got options: alternative transportation takes root in cleveland
There's more than one way to get around Cleveland. As more and more alternative transportation options like Lyft, Uber and pedicabs enter the local market, residents are discovering that it's increasingly becoming easier to leave the wheels at home. Fresh Water took them for a test drive.
rediscovering your hometown? there's an app for that
Sometimes, even the most adventurous resident can grow a little too comfortable living in the same city after a while. But one can always find something new to discover if we just dig a little deeper. Lucky for us, a number of smartphone apps will help the explorer in all of us get reacquainted with the city we call home.
fresh water managing editor pens cleveland guidebook for visitors, residents
It's been four and a half years since the first edition of "Moon Handbooks: Cleveland" was published. Considering all that has taken place in Cleveland during that time, author and Fresh Water managing editor Douglas Trattner says that for the second edition, which was released this week, he went back to the starting gate.
relocation station: how one bus tour exposes potential new residents to the joys of urban living
If you're considering a move to Cleveland, there might be no better means to examine the broad range of residential options than by hopping aboard a City Life tour hosted by Cleveland Neighborhood Progress. In a few short hours, participants enjoy an immersive dive into a number of Cleveland's most in-demand neighborhoods.
fast times: tri-c workforce division putting students on the job
Changing careers can be a difficult journey, regardless of a fulfillment-seeking wanderer's age or economic standing. However, the older a person gets, the less time they have to start that long voyage toward a new vocation.
Fortunately, there are more expeditious alternatives for those retracing their steps on the job trail, says Susan Muha, executive vice president of Cuyahoga Community College’s Workforce and Economic Development Division. The division's focus is job retraining, meaning adult employment seekers don't need to go back to school for a bachelor's degree.
"One way or another, it's all about connecting people with the job market," says Muha, a decade-long veteran of Tri-C's workforce division.
Throughout its layers of jobs-centric programming, the school works with about 15,000 to 20,000 participants annually. Many of these students have already attended a university and have little desire to go back. Tri-C offers training and certification programs measured in weeks or months rather than years, allowing prospective job seekers to be launched back into rotation quickly.

Read the rest of the story here.
tri-c building 'one-stop shop' for the training of area emergency services personnel
Beginning in August, Northeast Ohio firefighters and law enforcers will have a "one-stop shop" at Cuyahoga Community College. The sprawling facility, dubbed the Public Safety Training Center of Excellence, is expected to meet the education needs of both green recruits and grizzled first responders alike.